The mistake

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I never meant to hurt Jessie but I couldn't control myself.

4 hours earlier.....

I was waiting in the living room when Jessie announced she needed to make  a phone call to Matt I was intrigued by the fact I was going to be alone with Kelli I waited for a moment to sit down on the couch by Kelli I was planning on just having a conversation with her about Matt when she leaned in and kissed me I was in a state of shock before I decided to kiss her back I was finally having my moment and I wasn't disappointed.


I wasn't sure that I was doing the right thing by kissing Luke but I just had to know if there was something between us and when he sat down I knew I had to do something so I put Matthew out of my mind and went in for the kill with the kiss I gave Luke I wasn't thinking about any consequences that could happen from kissing my best friends boy friend who is my boyfriends twin sister. I guess I didn't expect Jessie to come back so soon because I was able to confirm if I did or didn't have feelings for Luke. "what the hell" rang in my ears I didn't pull away but Luke did and I was able to see  who was there exactly it wasn't only Jessie it was Matthew too and man was he pissed he wasn't just pissed he was upset too you could see tears in hid eyes I cant even imagine what is going through his mind.


I hate Luke I hate him I was so pissed. I cant believe what was happening in front of my eyes. " Luke are you fucking kidding me" I screamed I was pissed he was kissing my girlfriend and I was also holding back my tears, but for the moment I was thinking about my sister. She had finally gotten Luke someone who she had been waiting for 4 years was finally into her and now here he was kissing her best friend. "Kelli....." was all I could muster before she sprang to her feet and into my arms she was bawling her eyes out. " Matt I'm so sorry I'm so sorry, I will never ever have feelings for Luke like I do you I don't know what I was doing and I don't know why I did it I just wasn't thinking. I know you will probably never forgive me and I'm not ready for that and before you break up with me I just want you to know that I love you" she said that all in one breathe. She cant be like this I'm not supposed to feel like this isn't her fault and I shouldn't break up with her but I know that I probably should but I'm having such contrasting emotions. I guess Jessie didn't have the same emotions as I did because she made up her mind in an instant, " You piece of shit I hope you rot in hell I don't ever want you to talk to me again" I looked over at Luke who wasn't looking at Jessie he was looking at Kelli and soon to my realization so was Jessie. Jessie wasn't mad at Luke she was mad at Kelli just another reason why I shouldn't break up with her she would be all alone and  didn't want to have to have her go through that again. I guess I lot my best friend and my sister.......

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