The truth will kill

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Luke POV
I admit I like Jessie but my insides are eating me inside out, and I know why, it's because I know that I can't just stop I need Kelli. Kelli is the one I mean Jessie will do for now but I need and I know Matt loves her but it won't be long till he screws up with her. Kelli is coming over to find Jessie who at this moment is sleeping on my couch. I made sure I was shirtless and not anywhere near Jessie. Normally I just let Matt have the girl I can find another but not Kelli she's something I can't give up on. *ding* I hear the door bell I check the mirror and open the door.
Kelli POV
I am surprised to see the door open and Luke shirtless. his hair was messed up and he looked like he just woke up honestly Luke ain't ugly. In fact he's pretty attractive and if I wasn't with Matt and Jessie wasn't in the picture then I would be all over him but him and Jessie are together and I have Matt. "hey" I say fumbling my bangs that all of the sudden are in my face, "heeeey" Luke yawns in the middle of his word and I manage my reaction because his voice got deep and he smiled a killer smile, I haven't seen a smile like that his Matt and him first saw me in the parking lot a few months ago. "Jessie here" I know I don't even have to ask because she's always here. "yeah she's on the couch". "Thanks" I say glad that the conversation is over because for the first time since I kissed Matt I found Luke making me nervous and acting like I like home which would be ridiculous I'm just missing Matt. I walked into the living room and Jessie just woke up her hair was in shambles falling in every direction possible. "hey ugly" she says throwing a pillow at me. "don't call me ugly looking like that" I say throwing the pillow back.

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