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Jessie POV
I drove to school with Luke, I honestly have never though that me and Luke would be anything but friends. It's weird because he is like my brother but I really like him. Luke is amazing. I was sitting in the front of Luke's car when I got the call.
J: hello
K: hey it's Kelli
J: oh hi wants wrong
K: I have to tell you something
J: what?
K: I have a problem with my custody
J: what do you mean custody
K: I mean my aunt wants custody of me because she thinks Aj isn't a suitable guardian
J: well... what's going to happen
K: I don't know I have to talk to a judge
J: and
K: what am I supposed to do
J: have you told Matthew
K: no nobody knows but you
J: okay well calm down we'll figure this out okay
K: okay but I'm really freaking out
J: what about your dad can't he do anything
K: I haven't talked to my dad in 5 years
J: hang up and call your dad
K: what if he won't talk to me
J: he will trust me
I hung up and put my phone Luke got back into the car and immediately knew something was wrong. "it's nothing I promise just read a tweet about a dead dog" I say wiping tears from my eyes. I don't like lying to Luke but if Matt doesn't know them I don't think that Kelli wants Luke to know.
I scrolled through my contacts
till a found "my fucking sperm Donor" in the names I never put him in as "daddy" or "dad" or even his name he's only ever been "my fucking sperm donor" because I hate him obviously. I hesitated before calling him after a couple of rings a nice woman's voice answered "hello" I knew who it was the hoe that my dad left my mom for.
K: umm yes hi is Alexander Trumble there?
W: umm hold on let me check
The phone bumped like it was set down a voice in the background yell "Alex"!!!
"Hello" a voice scared me
K: Alexander Trumble?
A: yes who is this
K: Kelli
A: who?
K: your fucking daughter douchebag
A: oh my god Kelli how have you been it's been forever
K: pretty shitty actually if you didn't know mom is dead she got in a car crash and now Aj is my guardian but I might have to go live in Pasadena with your sister you fucker.
A: okay Kelli calm down honey why did you call me
K: don't act like your still my dad or that you can tell me to calm down because you lost that privilege 5 years ago when you left for your new life
A: what do you want me to do
K: sign my custody over to Aj
A: I forgot I had custody over you
K: yeah you never fucking used it you dick
A: okay
K: wait your actually going to do that just like that
A: yeah you're what 16 now you know what you want.
K: you remembered how old I am?
A: yes and when your birth day is have you not gotten my cards and presents that I've sent you the last 5 years
K: mom said you never sent anything
A: your mom must not have given them to you
K: why did you leave us
A: I didn't leave your mother kicked me out
I couldn't believe that bastardized trying to trick me into thinking he actually cared
K: just send the papers in the mail if you have our adress
A: fine
K: okay
A: I love you Kelli
K: just send the papers.

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