Regrets and mistakes

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Jessie POV
Well I guess you could say that I'm pretty messed up.I mean I should feel bad right, I think I should at least. I decided that I just needed to get rid of my regrets and one of them is this blue hair, so here I go. I walk into the hair salon and sit down in a chair "what are we looking for today" "a change" I state without hesitation. "So a cut" , "whoa whoa whoa I ment no more blue don't you touch my hair with those scissors" I frantically wave my hands and point to her black and silver sleek scissors in her hand. "Okay will do". It takes a while but she finally stripped the blue out of my hair. I get home and Luke and Matt were sitting in the living room playing Halo. "Wow guess you guys are all good"? I question. "Yeah let's just hope it stays that say this time" Luke laughs without taking his eyes of the screen. "In fact we have decided to team up" Matt could barely get his words out right on how concentrated on the game."Oh really against who" I ask laughing knowing their joking. "That jackass Jackson Johnson" they say at the same time. "Hey Jessie wanna join" Luke asks waving a controller in my face. "Thanks but no thanks", I refuse. "Why would you even offer Luke you know she's scared" Matt teases. "Oh please I'd kick your asses but actually it's because I have a thing I need to do" I try not to give away much. "Oh yeah that's your excuse whatever".. obviously Matt could care and Luke looks a little shocked so I took this opportunity to walk out the door. I take my phone out and text Kelli "hey are with Jackson"
KELLI👑 "Yeah why?"
JESSIE💛 "Well I thought me and him were going to hang out but if your with him I guess I'll catch you later.
I let a single tear drop down my cheek. I hated sharing this guy with Kelli Matt really needs to step up his game because Kelli needs to be off the market.
I decided that I was going to go to the library and see if my mom could pick me up from there so I could do both without sacrifices. I was just in the library talking about everything but studying with Jackson. "So what's the deal with you and Matt" Jackson snaps me out of my daydream of me and him on the beach. "Well we're not dating but I like him and he likes me I guess". "Ohh" he breathes out disappointment seeps out with it. "Yeah but ya know he kinda ignores me on and off and then claims were still together". I try to snap the mood back to daydreamy but my phone interrupts it. It was an unknown number, "Hello" I answer
A rough voice says on the other end.
"Hello is this Kelli Trumble"
"Yes who is this"
"This is officer Ramirez there seems to have been an accident with your mom she has been in a car accident and is in the hospital"
"Is she going to be okay, I'm on my way"! I yell into the phone and frantically grab my bag and look at Jackson. "Can you give me a ride to the hospital" I say in tears.
I was a little disappointed when Kelli told me she had plans but she then said I could pick her up from the library. I was driving home when I saw a bright light then my husbands face in the light, because of this I took my eyes off the road and found my self smashing through and intersection colliding with another car and then spiraling into a ditch when I came to a stop my head slammed into the steering wheel and the last thing I remember was the feeling of blood and lots of it seeping out of me.

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