the exposed enemy

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I rolled out of bed after my alarm clock went off the sixth time I slammed it down and it shut up i pulled my self to the bathroom where i dried and straightend my hair. I put on some mascara and winged out eyeliner and some counselor. I was ready and not wanting anything to make this day bad.

Jackson POV
I'm pretty much the king of Hudson high and I have a special enemy that I have taken notice to that dumb ass Matthew Sorenson he thinks he's a badass well he has another thing coming him and I have hated each other since pre school and I have always beaten him at everything except gettin girls but now that's about to change. I walk down the hall my friends cluttered behind me and chirping in my ear "so figured out who your taking to homecoming with yet Jackson" "I dont Know maybe Katelyn Tucker" I say just to get a rise out of Braden who's face goes dark and he snarls "you son of bitch don't even think about asking her" Braden has had a crush on Katelyn Tucker for two years and well I was honestly just joking I would never date a girl who owned furry purses ugh. My best friend liking Katelyn Tucker was like having my eye balls removed and being led around by a crazed Labrador. Every where someone finds out where she is it's off to Nederland to find her, but when we do he's too chicken and dosnt have the guts to talk to her. "I know who I wanna take and she's out of all of your leagues". "Oh I know who you wanna take" I hear a voice chuckle behind me, I turned to see pretty boys face in a cruel grin. "you wanna take Kelli don't you" he sneered.
"What's that to you" I say "oh I'm just here to warn you that she's going with me" "where's your side kick tweedle dum" I get a few laughs out of my group and stare back. "well unlike you I don't need to surround myself with low life's to get noticed, I don't need him I bring fans" after he said this I noticed the group of girls who we're behind him pointing and blushing. "Now if you don't mind I have a girl to ask" Matthew walks away. I was so mad, this is why I hated him he is a such a son of a bitch.
Kelli POV
I was sitting in history looking around the room I see all the usual kids who are looking down or at the board in complete boredom, but something surprises me a pair of eyes catch mine and they belong to a guy I haven't met yet. He wasn't to bad on the eyes with brown hair in a quiff his eyes were a deep brown. Instead of being the hardcore perfect Ken like tan every other guy has he is more of a golden. He smiles and I see Matt who sits behind him draw his finger across his throat and motion toward brown eyes, I smile I love it when Matt gets jealous to make him a little more ticked I smiled and waved at brown eyes and continued to listen to the boring lesson on the invention of the car. Matt rolls his eyes, scribbles something down on a paper and hands it to the guy next to him and it finds it wag to me. I read "Kelli are you seriously flirting with this guy you are with me right? Plus this guy is my worst enemy" Wow Matt are we first graders. i the saw the scribble of his name where he tried to write his name in cursive.
Matt POV
That guy has some nerve trying to flirt with Kelli with me in the class too. I jab my index finger between his shoulder blades and push a note unit his hand
Jackson POV
I get a sharp jab in my back and get a nite from Matt that reads "Stay away from my girl" then a really bad mad face and matts name. I crumple up the wad an shoot for the garbage and make it in perfectly. I don't look but I can tell this pisses Matt off and I just flirt with Kelli the rest if class. Matt will have to do better than a note to win this girl.

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