My new study buddy

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Kelli POV
After history was over I walked out if class "hey" brown eyes pops up out of oblivion and smiles and perfect smile. "I'm Jackson" he introduces himself, "hi I'm Kelli" I reply feeling a little blush come on. "hey so i was wondering and I was hoping that you would want to study with me sometime". I mentally rolled my eyes, a thought if Matt flashed through me but it faded we weren't exactly dating and Matt needed to learn I wasn't ready to be tied down to some one who hated being serious. "sure why not how about tomorrow in the library" I suggested and he agreed and walked off. I feel and hand slip around my waist and Matt kisses me on the cheek. "I'm sorry does the word relationship mean anything to you" he says with a fake pouty face. "umm it does, the real question is what does it mean to you". "Look Kelli I know your mad about whatever your mad about but I'm serious when I say that guy treats girls like prizes to be won" "oh I'm sorry Matt isn't that how you've seen girls since pre school" I tease. "yeah but that was before I met you" Matt defends "exactly I have that effect on people you just have to let them meet me" I was done talking to Matt.
Matt POV
"I'm going to loose my mind Luke I honestly think she is doing this on purpose" I sit in my room throwing a tennis ball at the wall over and over, Luke sits in my chair half listening. "Am I supposed to feel bad for you because you stole Kelli from me in the first place" Luke points out "yeah but that was like a million years ago get over it" I moan. People can be so touchy these days. "your over her right" , "no I'm not actually I still like her so what would care if she is stolen from you" Luke rolls his eyes and scrolls through his phone."so you dont care that you basically did the thing jackson i trying to do to you" luke asks oviously gettign anoyed with me." Look luke im sorry for what i did to you with Kelli buit i did it becuase i love her, Jackson is doing this is because he wants to get even with me."So you love Kelli huh" Luke didnt listen to asnything else i can tell by the way he batts his eyes and acts all lovey dovey and then puts his finger over his tounge to say it was gross. "Yes i do actually so that is why i want you to actually listen to me when im talking" , "well if you love her then your sure to win because i can safely say that Jackson dosnt love Kelli. Maybe luke is right and that im just overreacting about this whole thing and Kelli really loves me too and i have nothing to worry about. i mean Luke has always been good at this stuff becuase he reads and is smart.

Jackson POV

Well there go my shots with Kelli out the window, luckily for me Matthew always finds a way to mess things up with his girlfriends so all i have to do is wait but im not waiting lonely nbo i have big plans for who i wan tto keep me company while I wait for Kelli and i think thios one is gonna hit Matthew where it hurts,

Jessie POV

"Omg Matt shut up you have been complaining about his kelli thing for hours now and i want some sleep" i pound on Matt's door He has honeslty been depressed about Kelli for three days and he isnt giving up on trying to call her even though he knows that she is out of town with her mom and there is a no phone rule. "Give it up already she wont answer you she is till out of town and there is still a no phone rule. Some how i go tot sleep even with Matts sad soppy musioc and constant rining of his phone calling Kelli's. The next mroning i picked out a outfit thast was a pink crop top and white shorts with black converse and i curled my haior and put on my make up and headed down stairs. I comne into the kitchen to see Matt staring at his phone. "Matt?", "Earth to Matt" i say throwing a shirt at him, "Get dressed for school you actually have to go out in public. I get to school riding with Luke and leave Matt to walk. Surprisingly he isnt late for school and i head to first period by my self becuase besides my brother and Luke and Kelli are my only friends most girls hate me because my brtoher is the hottest guy in school and I am friends with the second hottest guy in school I guess Kelli is the only one who likes me. On the way to class i smash into some jerk that wasnt paying attention and drop all my books. I bend down to pick up my stuff and get a look at the jerks face, Shit why did it have to be him. I look up to see Jackson Andrews my brothers total and complete worst enemy. It is really immature to have a worst enemy but i dont hink either of them care to much. All the guys care about is beating eachother at anything and everything. "hey" he smiles and looks at me running his fingers through his hair like it had gotten messed up in the crash, "hey" i look side to side to see if anyone was watching us." "so i was wondering if maybe i could talk to you after class"he asks very cooly and non chalant. "Yeah i guess i'll meet you here after class"i say and walk down the hall not wanting to get into a converstaion and plus i was going to be late for class.

Jackson POV

Okay so maybe I asked around and found out what class Jessie had for first period and then I may have hung around the classroom hoping to run in to her I didn't mean literally but that worked too. Before I could tell her what I really wanted to say I saw Mr. tweedle dee also known as Matt's sidekick Luke. He hadn't noticed us yet but I wasn't takin any chances so I just told Jessie to meet me after class and she agreed.
Luke POV
I admit I'm still pretty pisses about Matt winding up with Kelli but I guess she's his and there isn't really anything I can do about it. I want to tell Kelli how I feel it's just I don't want her to think that I am mad at her for choosing Matt. If only she knew that I was the one that treated girls right and I was the one who cared about girls feelings Matt doesn't care about any one but himself. I hated it and it killed me to know that she is with that jerk. I want to move on but the girl that I have an eye in Matt wouldn't approve of unless he wants me to date his sister. I like Jessie but she just isn't Kelli.
Kelli POV
I agreed to let my mom drive me home from school because she was begging me for an opportunity to see me more and I was never home and she was always at work it just never worked.So I'm hoping the best for the ride home and not some reign check because she was running late.... again. I walked to Math and met up with Luke, "hey" I here him say and wrap his arm around my waist. "hi" I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about him at this point I like him but he is kinda being a jerk about the whole brown eyes thing, crap I totally forgot about the library I can't just blow him off but my mom would be heart broken if I told her I had plans the only day she could drive me home. "Kelli?" "Are you okay you seem a little distracted" Matt looks me in the eye. "Oh no I'm fine" I promise and walk into class. I feel a piece of paper slide on my chair and I look and see "KELLI" on the front I look up and see my teacher had her back turned to the class writing something on the board we couldn't see because they were standing right in front of their writing. I read the nite it my head.
"Hey Kelli are we still on for the library" it didn't say a name but I knew who it was from. I glance and see brown eyes looking at me with a smile, I nod. Yeah I'm a terrible person
Okay so I haven't written in a while and I'm sorry about that just was busy hope you like it so far

DysfunctionalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora