Crying till we laugh

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Kelli POV
It's been a month now and me and Matt have had zero problems, Luke finally grew a pair and asked out Jessie she accepted and they started dating a week or so after I said yes to Matt. I stopped talking to Jackson he's talking to Courtney now. The only thing not going my way is my aunt Regina is breathing down Aj's neck 24/7 she is bothering him about not being a suitable guardian for me and is trying to get me to come live with her in Pasadena. I'm only hanging to Aj by a thread and if Regina gets the authorities involved I could be moving to Pasadena. I haven't told any one Aj though it would be a good idea only to tell them if I know for sure. I'm dying to tell Matt but this will only make him stressed out.
Jessie POV
*beep* beep* I groan and look at the clock. 5:50. I get out if bed and get in the shower I put on jeans and a hoodie I looked in the mirror, dammit I thought I got undressed and put on a shirt and ant shirt and looked in the mirror again. Come on and I did it again. I try again with shorts and a 5sos t shirt and a dodgers SnapBack. Good I thought, I straightened my hair and put in my make up and my phone beeped.
Luke💕: hey you need a ride today😏
Me: pervert
Luke💕: I meant a ride to school you dirty minded child
Me: choose your emojis better next time
Luke💕: be there in ten
Even though I never sad yes he still knew that I did. I grab my black vans and backpack. I admit dating Luke is like being the queen of England you don't really do anything and everybody is jealous of you and your outfits are always on point. Okay maybe that last one wasn't really on topic but I still feel like that.

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