stop drop and roll

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Kelli POV
Holly crap are my eyes deceiving me or are twiddle hunk and twiddle damn on their way over to me. My first instinct run hide stop drop roll? i wasn't used to this kind of attention i was really happy when i thought they were coming over to me i mean for gods sake he winked at me.....that's good right? Well my buzz was cut short because the two were stopped by the group of cheerleaders that were staring at me when I first got here, I watched as they threw themselves at these boys in ways that they reminded me of lions fighting for food. The shorter one saw me upset and gave me an apologetic look but that in no way made me feel better. "It's too bad that they are so crowded they could have been here fighting over you already" a voice behind me said with a sigh. I jumped and turned around. A pretty girl in glasses and brown hair with blue at the bottom. i must have given off my confusion because she spoke "my name is jessie and i can tell you right now those boys over there havent seen a girll like you in forever. "thier names are Luke (he's the tall one with the pretty eyes) and Matt (the other one)" "oh thats cool how do you know they like me"? "Becuase Matt's my twin and i know wha he does when he finds a girl he likes he winks smiles acts like a fool to get her to laugh........" thats what he did to me" I say a little sad that he has used those moves before. "oh i know i have been watching form over there"she pointed to a little spot under the tree thathas a perfet view of evyerything that hapened in my first few minutes here. "he likes you but he cant have you". "exscuse me" i cough not understanding why this guy could "not have me". "oh you didnt see did you" ? "see what" "well Matt and luke have been friends for forever and well they develpoed this promise to eachother that they have never broken and i mean never Whoever sees the hto girl first has total choice on either "keep or cheap" that means that if Matt saw a girl at the mall first he could say either keep or she's not worth it hence cheap" I ponder th e thought of guys keeping this codde between them for as long as they have been friends. "so which on edo you like" Jessie asks obviously wanting me to say Matt just so she could say something totally discusting about him to deter me from liking him. "i dotn know maybe matt or luke"i say not really knowing who to say maybe jessie likes luke and me saying luke who make her jelous and im desperate for a friend and saying you like their twin brother is no the way to get on their good side. "I didn't catch your name" "oh it's Kelli". "nice to meet you Kelli". "hey Jessie who's this" a new voice came I turned around slowly. Matt and Luke were right there.... right there! "hey guys this is Kelli she's new here" Jessie talks to these guys like they are no one granted one of them is her brother but still the other isn't and he is pretty hot. "Hey Kelli I'm matt and this is Luke" "Hey Kelli" Luke smiled at me. "So Kelli since you don't know your way around too well maybe between the three of us we can get you to all your classes safely, so let's see your schedule" I pulled out the slip of paper with my classes on it. "okay so you an k have art together which 7th period" Jessie kept reading. "Looks like you have math, history, health, and biology together" Matt smiled at Luke who rolled his eyes this made me blush. "well you and me have math together too, I'm on your art class and, we have drama together, PE, and we have the same study hall" Luke seemed impressed with himself. My first period was Math which had Matt and Luke. I waked into the classroom late because Jessie helped me get to my locker by then everyone was standing by a desk. "hello you must be Kelli Trumble" the skinny looking cat like teacher smiled at me while she spoke. "let's see you can take a seat right there" she pointed to an open desk right next to Matt and one of the cheerleaders.Great just what i wanted to sit next to the boy i like but am not supposed to like. "hi"i said shyly to teh girl she rolled her eyes and turned to Matt she continued to flirt like a wild woman, She twirled her hair and batted her eye lashes I took my seat having to awkwardly go between them which was probably my least part of the day. the rest of the day was Brett's boring I got a lot of weird looks and whistles I was pretty glad when I got home my mom wasn't there as usual. I grabbed a pear form the bowl on the counter. I went up to my room I checked my Instagram and got three new followers Luke, Matt, and Jessie had all found me and same went for Twitter. I listened to nirvana, and pretty much anything else pandora would give me I don't even remember falling asleep but I was awoken b the ringing of my alarm clock I got up showered dried and straightened my hair, I put on some distressed jeans and black Rolling Stones crop top. My black high top converse were waiting for me at the door when I grabbed a apple and walked to school my mom left early working another shift. I walked when I looked up an the seemed to be really gray and all of the sudden bam it's pouring great I was too far from my house to grab a jacket so I kinda stood there knowing I would get soaked even more. "Kelli" a voice called it was Matt "hey" I said not trying to think about what my mascara was like at the moment. He was wearing a football sweatshirt with jeans. "why are you walking to school doesn't Luke drive you. "well yeah that's what is supposed to happen but I was running late and he left me to walk. "are you cold you're barely wearing anything" he said before I could stop him he was handing me his hoodie I put it on it smelled like his cologne and it was a little big one going toy mid thigh I didn't care it was warm. We walked together when we got to school class had already started I had to go to the bathroom and Matt agreed to cover for me so the teacher wouldn't be mad. I headed to the bathroom I walked in and looked in the mirror my makeup was looking okay for walking a mile in the rain I combed through my hair with my fingers I heard the door slam and I whipped around the head cheerleader which I came to know as Courtney "well if it isn't the new girl that thinks she has a chance with my boyfriend" she snapped. I backed up cautiously bumping into the sink "I didn't know he was your boyfriend I was just" she interrupted me before I could finish "is thats Matt's sweatshirt" she was glaring down at the hoodie I was till wearing. "yeah it was cold on the walk to school" I say looking at the floor. "You walked with him to school" she said. "not on purpose" I say but it did nothing due shoved me into the wall "stay away from boyfriend you bitch" she yelled slapping me before checking her self I the mirror before walking out without a care in the world.
I was hoping that this would be longer but I ran out of time so yeah update soon
Xoxo carolyn

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