Life is lost

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I have Jackson drive to the hospital and I feel tears brimming my eyes I am having mixed feelings of anger and sadness and despair. I felt this feeling of helplessness and I wanted to bawl, I did I buried my face into Jackson he smelled like cologne and he rubbed my back. I texted Jessie and the guys they were on their way. "Kelli" I turned and saw him standing there.. he shook his head a I felt a pain so deep in my stomach I thought I would topple over and die. That's when I really let the water works out and tears piled out of my eyes and I whined. Aj wrapped his arms around me and tried to calm me down but it didn't help I could see tears swell up in his eyes and I couldn't bare to see my brother cry. My mother was dead and I had no one but my brother now. I didn't want to leave but Aj said it would be best if we tried to sleep. Instead if sleeping every time I closed my eyes I saw my mom in the car and all if the sudden she is screaming and the car is flying and I jolt my eyes open and cry every time. I eventually fell asleep but I had many nightmares about my mom. The next morning I roll out of bed and basically fall down the stairs into the kitchen where Aj is sitting at the counter. Drinking coffee, "is there anyway you'd let me stay home today"? I ask giving him my puppy dog eyes. "Sorry Kel but j have to work and it would be worse for you to stay here alone. I rolled my eyes I hated it when Aj was right. I went upstairs and changed into a pair of jeans and a black crop top I straightened my hair and did my make up I put on a gold necklace and headed down stairs again Aj hadn't moved. I decided to walk so I grabbed my phone and converse and headed out the door. "Hey Kelli" I hear the welcoming voice of Matt and I had honestly never felt more happy to hear him in my life. I turned and was greeted by a bear hug and the familiar scent of Matts cologne. He separated us and looked me in the eyes and wasted no time in kissing me. "I'm so sorry about your mom Kelli" he says. "it's okay". We walked together in silence Matt took my hand and I felt a lot better after that walk. When we arrived at school we went our separate ways to our lockers. When I got to mine I was tapped by a short girl with a round face and a ponytail. "Hi are you Kelli" "umm yeah I am". "Oh well I was wondering can you come with me theirs something I need your help with". Oh okay what is it" I ask. "Oh well this is kind of embarrassing but I see you every day and you always have perfect makeup and I was wondering if you would help me of mine like that" she asks her eyes getting like mine do when I beg for something. "yeah okay" I agree and follow her to the bathroom. She opens the door and instead of seeing makeup on the counter I see Courtney leaning up against the sink. There was two more bimbos beside her they were both snickering. I look at the girl who asked me to come here and instead of seeing this round faced sweetheart I see this pudgey mean looking Barbie doll who now that I look at her closely is wearing make up and it's good. I have no idea how I didn't see that before. "well if it isn't my best friend Kelli" Courtney smiles a weird meddling smile. "Were friends" I think aloud "of course I mean why wouldn't I be friends with the girl who marched in here and took my boyfriend out from underneath me like you did" I know why I'm in here and I know how this will end. I didn't get a chance to answer because Courtney's fist met my temple. I can take a blow like that and stay on my feet but I wasn't ready to be out numbered 4-1 and I want ready for one of Courtney's minions to trip me and let me fall with my back making contact with the sink. I take a swing and hit her in the nose she stumbles back to cover it. I then had some time to regain control and defend my self. One bimbo dug her nails in my arm and I screeched and pulled her hair. I managed to get of the bathroom sink and out in the open. Courtney started to say something like "you crazy bitch". she swung her fist into my temple and I went down. I felt the agonizing pain of high heels kicked into my ribs and I gave up.

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