Chapter 9

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After the Boar Hat closed the Sins sat around the bar, Lilith was sitting at a table.

"I'm not completely sure but the Armor Giant that the holy knights are after might be Gowther" Meliodas tells them

"Alright let's go and rescue him" Diane agrees excitedly

"Diane" Meliodas looks up at her "you stay here to protect Elizabeth and Lilith, can I count on you?"

"yes" Diane smiles "you can count on me"

"huh, but I wanna come too" Lilith says

"No way" Ban stands up "you stay here where it's safe, human"

"you say human like it's an insult" Lilith pouts

"I say human like it is, someone who is weak and has no power" Ban says "which is what you are"

"I am not!" Lilith crosses her arms

"Lilith" Meliodas walks over and places his hand on top of her head "we just want what's best for you, so trust that we're keeping you here for your own safety, we cant fight full out if needed while you're there or you could get hurt so you gotta stay here ok?"

"...fine" Lilith blushes and crosses her arms

Meliodas turns to the others "Alright everyone let's get goin"


Lilith, Elizabeth, and Hawk sit inside the Boar Hat together while Diane sits outside looking in through the window.

"So Lilith I've been wondering, how did you and sir Ban meet?" Elizabeth asks "I mean you and him have said that you weren't related by blood"

"Well.." Lilith looks up in thought "when I was a baby.."



"Someone shut that baby up!"

"Where is it even coming from?!"

A young Ban runs though the streets, he ducks behind a crate and peeks out. The local law enforcement runs past his hiding spot and down into another part of town.

"Hehe" Ban laughs "suckers"

Ban tosses the stolen bag of coins in the air and catches it.


"Huh?" Ban turns around

He walks down the ally a bit before coming across an open crate, the crying was even louder now.


Ban peers inside the crate to see a crying baby wraped in a blanket.

"Hey.. why are you crying?" Ban asks

"Waaaa" the baby lifts its arms up trying to grab him

"Ok ok hold on" Ban says panicked

Ban places the coin bag in his pocket before reaching down and picking up the baby. The baby's crying quieted down some and it was just sniffling.

Ban looks around "what are you doin out here alone?" He looks down at her "..were you abandoned too?"

The baby let's out a giggle and grabs his hand.

"Hm.." Ban stares down at her


"So you're gonna take care of it?"

"Mhm" Ban nods "Zhivago... what am I supposed to do with him?"

Zhivago sighs "honestly child, you can't even take care of yourself but you take a baby from the alley"

"He was abandoned, was I just supposed to leave him there too?!" Ban asks

"Here" Zhivago holds is arms out "I will teach you how to take care of her"

"Really? Thank you so much- huh.." Ban blinks and looks down at the baby "did you just say.. she"

"Yes" Zhivago chuckles "that's a baby girl you're holding"

"what a girl?!" Ban freaks out

"So what's her name?" Zhivago asks

"N-Name?" Ban looks confused

"Little one's gotta have a name" Zhivago looks at him

Ban looks down at the baby to notice her teething on a locket from around her neck.

"Hey let me see that" Ban takes the locket out of her hands

"Ah, it appears she has a name" Zhivago says "what is engraved on it?"

"My dearest.. Lilith" Ban reads "Lilith?"

The baby laughs happily and claps.

"Huh.." Ban stares at the locket "so her name's Lilith"

"So that's how we met" Lilith finishes

Diane and Elizabeth laugh.

"Seriously" Hawk sweat drops "he couldn't even tell your gender"

"That sure does sound like Ban" Diane giggles

"So Sir Ban found you while you were a baby" Elizabeth smiles "that's a long time"

"He was young when he found me but Ban still took me in" Lilith puts her hand over her locket that she still wore "I don't know who my parents were, this locket says My dearest Lilith.. and that's all" she smiles "but I owe my life, to Ban, my big brother"

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