Chapter 10

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After taking a shower and getting dressed, Lilith walks downstairs to see Ban was drinking and bothering King while Elizabeth sat at the bar laughing and Hawk was complaining about them making a mess.

"Hey you're all back" Lilith says happily

"Yep, we're home" Meliodas smiles

After awhile, Ban laughs before turning to Meliodas and Gowther who were in their own conversation, of course he was also completely drunk.

"Gowther, come over here!" Ban grabs him "Everyone listen to this! Apparently Gowther here could tell it King by his body odor!" he laughs

"That and his framework and tone" Gowther adds calmly

"so.. who's he?" Lilith asks Meliodas

"Oh Gowther, he's another sin" Meliodas replies "the Goat Sin of Lust"

"Ohh" Lilith nods

The others gather around King and smell him. Lilith just sits at the table next to Meliodas laughing at King's flustered appearance while Meliodas is still deep in thought.

"N-No fair ganging up only on me!" King shouts

"Did I do something wrong?" Gowther asks

"Hell yeah you did!" King shouts "Do something about this awkward situation!"

"...understood" Gowther uses magic on Diane and Ban "Diane, you lie about your 30 foot height, saying it is 29 feet" Diane blushes in embarrassment as Gowther continues "on the subject of your weight-"

Diane punches Gowther "Mean! Mean! Stupid Gowther!" she continues to punch him over and over "I can't believe you'd announce a young girl's secret's to the world!"

"I honestly don't think there's much difference between 30 and 29" Meliodas comments

"There is to a girl" Elizabeth says

"As for you Ban" Gowther stands up "twelve years ago, we became completely inebriated while on duty to battle the vampire gang in Edinburgh"

"Right, that time I got so drunk I didn't take part" Ban confirms "I already said I was sorry for that"

"After that, you used Physical Hunt to rob strength from King and Diane, then had a good laugh to yourself as you watched them struggling to fight" Gowther explains and Ban spits out his drink, Gowther takes off his glasses "and after you did one hundred thousand push ups with that stolen strength, you completely crashed out"

"Ban!" Lilith shouts disapprovingly

"Hmmmm, I was wondering why I couldn't muster up any strength even though I was feeling fine" Diane says suspiciously

"So that explains it" King's chastiefol turns into a bunch of daggers

"that was twelve years ago" Ban defends "don't get your panties in a twist"

Diane grabs him and squeezes him to death in her hand before Ban breaks free.

"Now we're the ones having it hard!" Ban shouts

"understood" Gowther once again uses his magic on King

"W-wait!" King shouts "Stop, Gowther!"

"Come on sir Gowther" Lilith stands up "Can't you see King wants to keep his shameful secrets?"

"Yeah!" King shouts before turning to her "I-I don't have anything shameful!"

Lilith giggles

Meliodas laughs "now, now don't get so upset"

"I will too get upset!" King shouts

"Gowther" Meliodas turns to him "don't go reading people's minds like that, and if you're gonna, read the room"

"Read.." Gowther looks confused "the room?"

"Sir Meliodas" Elizabeth walks over

"what's up Elizabeth?" Meliodas smiles and turns to her, they begin talking

"Ah.. I see" Gowther takes off his broken glasses before looking at the two "So your highness likes the captain?" he questions and everyone turns to look at him "compared to when interacting with myself and the other members.. your tone is higher and your heart rate quickens" Elizabeth blushes "these are symptoms common of someone in love"

"waaaah!" King shouts "y-y.. you idiot!"

"That was seriously a bad move" Ban says glancing at Diane

Diane was however passed out drunk.

"Read the room!" King shouts "Read it!"

"Hm?" Gowther questions before looking at Lilith

Lilith eyes showed a bit of sadness, he uses his magic on her.

"So this girl who appears to be Ban's little sister also likes the captain" Gowther says

Lilith blushes.

"excuse me" Ban hovers over her "so you've fallen for the cap'n did ya?"

"O-of course not" Lilith shakes her head

"So little Lil has a crush on me hehe" Meliodas chuckles

"i-it's not like that" Lilith blushes more

"You know the capt'n's like me age right, are you into older guys?" Ban asks

"Ban" Lilith covers her face

"Guys stop you're embarrassing her" Elizabeth puts her hands on Lilith's shoulders "that's mean"

"well lucky for her I'm into younger women" Meliodas puts his arms behind his head

"Don't even think about going after my sister you pervert" Ban looks at him

"hehe" Meliodas chuckles "why not?"

"cause then I'll.. I'll uh.." Ban looks up in thought

"ok ok stop!" Lilith shouts "a crush doesn't mean anything"

"aw" Meliodas pouts

"w-what" Lilith looks at him

Meliodas smiles "well.. why can't it mean something?"

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