Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry..."

I woke up with a start, the two words ringing in my head. I blinked, once and twice, feeling the cold metal floor push against my back. Slowly, and carefully, I sat up and looked around my surroundings. It was dimly lit and seemed as if I was being flung into the air with rattling crates. The echoes of the crates didn't help either. I stood up quickly, defying gravity's pull as the elevator tried to throw me off my feet. I felt a groan escape my lips as I felt something trickle from the side of my head. I reached up and touched it, smelling a metallic scent and feeling the stickiness. Blood.


I looked at my body and found myself battered, torn, and bruised all over the place. I couldn't remember why I was all battered. And that's when it struck me. I couldn't remember anything. My name, my parents, my friends (if I even had any), my age, no nothing. A red light slowly fading in and the increase of the rattling disturbed my thoughts as I looked up and saw that the cage was reaching the ceiling in about 20 minutes, but it wasn't slowing down one bit. I quickly threw open a crate and saw that it was filled with weapons. Great.

I chose a knife and slipped it in my combat boots. Who knew what could happen? I selected a dagger and shoved the crates to one side, opening the next one which happened to be filled with clothes. Strangely, there were boys' clothes only. I shook my head and looked up, seeing that the cage had now reached the top and was a few feet away from crashing. I quickly threw myself on the cold metal floor, not wanting to be smushed vertically. I braced myself for the impact, but none came.

I lay there for a few minutes, slowing my thundering heart as I opened my eyes to look up. The silence was deafening until I heard some voices from the ceiling. I guessed it was some sort of a door.

"C'mon, you slintheads. We're running behind schedule."

Suddenly, the ceiling was slowly thrown open, and I quickly hid and pretended to be dead.

"Where's the Greenie?"

"Won't know till you get down there."

"Alright alright. You need to learn what patience is, Alby," a boy with a strange accent spoke.

I heard a soft thump as one of them jumped in the cage, causing it to rattle. I tensed myself, feeling the cold sharp metal of the dagger press into my skin from between my clothes and my wrist.

"Hey, I know you're in here somewhere. We're not gonna hurt you, so just-" the boy with the strange accent cut himself off, as he stepped near me. "What the shuck?"

"Hurry up, Newt!"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I... I-it's a girl."


This is my first fanfic so I'm not really good at this whole thing. Please leave a comment so I can improve my writing gradually. Thank you! ^^


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