Chapter 36

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"Where the shuck is Zia?!" I heard Minho yell.

"Present," I got up from the slide thingy and made my way over to my friends.

"You nearly gave me a bloody heartattack," Newt huffed, relieved and annoyed.

"Won't be the first time now, would it?" I retorted.

I surveyed the damage done around here. We were in an office like room, with glass panels that were screens. There was a camera of the Glade, and I realized that we were being watched. Brain structures were flashing here and there, random statistics were scrawled on some. Thomas stepped in front of one of them, pressing his hand against a screen.

We gasped in surprise as a video was projected for all of us. A woman with whitish hair sat there, facing the camera.

"Hello. My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I'm Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you... but circumstances seem to have prevented it," she paused. I grit my teeth in anger. Congratulate? I cursed under my breath.

"I'm sure by now, you must all be very confused, angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that's happened to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason."

"No duh," I muttered.

"You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost to fire, famine, suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse. We called it the Flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable... incurable - or so we thought. In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure, but finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed, inside harsh environments, where their brain activity could be studied, all in an effort to understand what makes them different - what makes you different. You may not realize it, but you're very important," she paused. I heard screaming in the back as glass started shattering and people appeared with guns, shooting the scientists around her. She ignores the commotion.

"Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun. As you'll no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods. Progress is slow, people are scared. It may be too late for us... for me... but not for you." She takes out a silver gun, holding it against her head.

"The outside world awaits. Remember: Wicked is good."

Several people flinched and looked away as the gunshot sounded. The video ended right after, and Thomas cleared his throat.

"Well, this is it," he spoke quietly.

"We're free," Newt continued. The gladers started to exchange small smiles with each other when a voice interrupted.


We whirled around to look at the boy we'd left behind. Gally.

"No one is going out there," he started shaking and took out a gun, pointing it at Thomas.

"Gally, put the gun down," Thomas pleaded.

"He's been stung," Ren announced.

"Don't you get it? We're never free from them, we'll never be," Gally's eyes glistened with tears.

"Gally stop being stupid and put the shuck gun down," Minho snapped.

"We belong to the maze," he growled.

Time slowed as the bullet started spinning towards Thomas. Minho threw a spear at Gally, impaling him in the chest. I grabbed the back of Thomas's shirt and pulled him towards me, away from the bullet, and Chuck moved in front of Thomas.

The gladers all let out a breath of relief at the sight of Gally with the spear impaled, and Thomas standing just fine.

"Thomas," Chuck whispered. All eyes went on him, and a small speck of red spread on his chest. He slowly collapsed, and Thomas caught him, cradling him.

"No, no no no, Chuck. It's gonna be okay buddy, it's gonna be alright," Thomas's voice cracked as he desperately tried to stem the bleeding. I knelt next to the dying boy, taking his left hand in mine.

"Thomas," Chuck gasped again, stuffing a wood carving in Thomas's hand.

"No, buddy. We said that you'll be the one to give it to them," Thomas begged.

"Zia," Chuck looked at me. I held back the tears. I couldn't cry, not now.

"Take care of this shank," he convulsed. I nodded, smiling sadly.

"Tell my parents that I..."

Those were his last words. His unfinished sentence.

"No. CHUCK! NO! Please, Chuck. I promised you! We made it out!" Thomas yelled. He cried.


I felt something tug at me in the back of my head, and I closed my eyes, letting it consume me.

I am 9 years old. Several boys are taunting a boy who seems to be about 4 or 5 in the white hallway of a building.

"Crybaby!" one of the boys mock him.

"HEY! Get away from him, idiots!" I holler, infuriated.

"What's a girl like you gonna do?" one of the boys, with jet black hair and violet eyes snarl, stepping towards me threateningly.

Instead of responding, I punch him in the guts, making him double over. I then swing my right leg back, kicking him in the face. He cowers and falls to the ground.

"Wanna say that again?" I smirk, glaring at him.

The boys all run away, taking the bloody and bruised boy with him. I sigh and turn to look at the 4 year old boy.

"Thanks Zia," he chirps. He's clever, and speaks easily.

"Welcome, Chuck," I mess his hair up.

"Why'd you do that though?" his brown eyes are wide and imploring.

"What wouldn't I do for my youngest brother?" I ask, smiling.

"Can you get me ice cream then?"

"Chocolate as usual? With extra chocolate syrup?"

He nods. I smile, taking his tiny hand in mine, walking down the corridor with him protectively as he skips, excited.

Just Smile (TMR Fanfic Minho x Reader x Newt)Where stories live. Discover now