Chapter 2

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A long and shocked silence followed the boy's words. I was getting tenser and debated on whether I should risk a glance or not. I was pulled out from my thoughts by a statement shattering the silence.

"Is she pretty?"

"I call dibs."

"No way!"

The chorus of voices talked about ridiculous things. That is, until yet another question silenced the others, again.

"Is she dead?"

I had to suppress a smile of satisfaction. I'd succeeded. All thoughts of achievements were wiped away by the sound of footsteps, slowly coming closer again. I held my breath as I felt a presence kneel beside me, reaching his hand out to check if I was alive.

I took the chance and jumped straight up, slipping the dagger out, and pushing it against the boy's neck, causing him to crash against the wall of the cage. I watched as a drop of blood escaped from his neck.

"Holy shuck!"

I ignored the voices and glared into the boy's eyes. They were chocolate brown, mesmerizing. His dirty blonde hair was kinda messy at the top and he was slightly taller than me. He looked at me with a surprised expression as he slowly took it all in. I saw reflected in his eyes that there was yet another boy, approaching me silently from behind. In a flash, I pulled him away from the wall, but held him at knifepoint in front of me, his back slightly pressing into my chest. I glared at the other boy who had tried to approach me.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down Greenie," he spoke. He was tall, looked as if he never smiled, and had strange eyebrows. "Stop being a klunkhead and put the knife down, now."

"No," I surprised myself with the determination and fierceness in my voice. "Stay away from me."

"Okay, Greenie, we're not here to hurt you, we're all just like you. So put the bloody knife down, will you?" I felt the dagger move slightly as his adam's apple bobbed.

I thought for a minute. What good would it do for me if I slaughter this boy? Plus, it seems like there's at least fifty more up there.

After a while of tense silence, I pushed the boy away from me, readjusting the dagger in case someone tried to attack me. The British boy swiped his neck with his hands, leaving a trail of blood from his cut. I felt very proud.

"I'm Newt. Let's talk more after we get out of this shucking box, eh?"

I quickly gave a slight nod, still not letting my guard down. Someone threw a rope down, but I scaled the cage, surprising myself with my own athletic capabilities. I looked around the green grass, looked past the boys' faces, and towards the towering gray walls. Without thinking, and feeling panicked at the poking from several of the boys, I ditched the knife and ran. I ran and ran, hearing voices yelling at me to stop. I ran towards space in between the walls, and I was being chased down rapidly by the boy with weird eyebrows. I gritted my teeth and ran even faster, nearly there. Just a little more, just a little more. I ran through the walls, feeling the boy behind me trying to catch me, but missing by inches. And like that, I disappeared from the rest of the boys. 


Hope you shanks enjoyed it :)


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