Chapter 11

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"Hey pretty," a creep spoke.

"Bye creep," I replied, smacking his hand off my shoulder.

"Aw, is our new Greenie mad?"

"You're invading my personal space over here. Go away," I snapped.

The tall boy with black hair and green eyes laughed. It was drunken laughter though, and so I decided to get up and walk away towards the woods. Of course, he followed me. Annoyed, I whipped around, glaring at his staggering figure.

"Get away from me," I gritted my teeth.

"Aw, I just wanna play," he pouted.

Without warning, he slammed my body against the tree behind me. I kicked him in the shin before running away blindly. I couldn't go very far, though. My head was light and it was pounding at the same time. I tried to clear my head, but it didn't work. My vision was sliding in and out of focus, making it impossible to run away. I felt myself being tackled as I reached the edge of the woods, a little way from the bonfire. I punched him again, and he just held me down again. Without thinking, and sincerely panicked, I grabbed his hair and yanked it away from me, causing him to yelp in pain. His grip loosened slightly, but that was all I needed. I threw him off balance, and flipped his body over, getting his drunk breath away from me. I stood up again, suddenly tired, but my vision was clearing. It was ironic, how I had enough energy to run but couldn't see a second ago, but now that I can see, I don't have the energy to run. I wanted to call out for help, for Minho, for Newt, and for the Creators to get us out of here. I felt like I was running in quicksand. I had to go, I knew that the boy wouldn't stay dazed for long.

"Minho! Newt! Someone, help," I wheezed.

I knew that it would be impossible for them to hear me. By some miracle, Minho turned around and made eye contact with me, his smile frozen as he looked at me. The smile quickly dropped as he registered me trying to run towards him, with a creep on my heels. The boy behind tackled me again, and I fell to the ground with a thud, breaking my eye contact with Minho. I felt lightheaded, and felt something sharp dig into my skin. I punched him as he tried to get me to look at him. I felt his nails digging into my shoulder, gripping me. I gritted my teeth in pain, trying to get my head cleared. I felt strangely calm, and sighed, before the weight on top of me was thrown off and everything seemed to dance with black spots. I felt someone gently lift me bridal style, and looked up. I felt giddy, and I felt like everything in the world was great. I saw Minho, looking at me worriedly. I giggled, and then saw Newt frowning next to Minho. I giggled again.

"Is she okay? She doesn't seem to be the giggly type," Minho asked the gray haired boy I saw at the medical room.

"I don't know, something's off with her for sure," he said.

"Clint! Look," a boy with really short hair called out, holding a syringe. Was it a needle? Or a syringe? I didn't know, nor did I care. I tried to get down, and sat on the ground with a thump. I laughed again and looked at the boys who looked confused.

"Zia? You should, um, lay back down," Minho spoke unsure.

"No! No lying down for Zia!" I giggled like a 6-year-old. Gosh, what was wrong with me?

"Clint, what the-" Newt spoke but got interrupted.

"Oh, look! It's a star!" I crowed. Internally, I cringed, but I couldn't act properly.

"Jeff, Clint, anything?" Minho asked.

"Well, this serum was never used, it came up the box once in a while," the gray haired boy named Clint spoke.

"We were going to save it and test it someday, but we forgot and I think it might have been lying around," Jeff explained.

"Minnewt!" I giggled uncontrollably. "New name! Minnewt!"

Minho arched an eyebrow and exchanged looks with Newt, who looked taken aback.

"No, no, no," I whimpered.

Why was I whimpering? Why can't I control my own body and thoughts?!

''Alright, Zia, we're going to take you to your room, okay? It's getting late," Newt spoke softly, soothing me with his mesmerizing eyes. I shook my head. I shook my head again, and stood up, making the others stand up and look at me cautiously. I stood there, shaking my head sadly, and then I giggled again.

"Play with me! Play with me, Min-min! C'mon Newtie," I exclaimed. Oh, hell no.

"Bloody hell," Newt shook his head. "Is there no antidote?"

Clint stared blankly at Newt, then shrugged. Minho looked pointedly at Clint and Jeff, then the medical hut, which got the two nurse boys running to check. Minho and Newt turned back to face me.

"What do we do with her?" Minho asked.

"C'mon, Zia. Let's go sleep," Newt spoke.

"NO!" I yelled, surprising myself. "No, no no no. No sleep. No dreams. No."

Great. Now I'm about to tell them about my dreams because I got drugged.

"Why? What's wrong with dreams?" Newt frowned. Our conversation was cut short by a groaning noise towards my right. The creepy boy stood up, shaking his head, and looked up at us. At first, he looked confused, and then he looked utterly terrified, turning pale. I glanced around me and realized why.

"I'm gonna kill him," Minho growled, glaring daggers at the boy and rolling his sleeves up. I flinched at the motion, being reminded of the dream of Swiss.

"Slim it, Minho. I'll tell Winston to lock him up," Newt tried to calm Minho down, but not before making sure the boy looked threatened.

He was dragged to the slammer by a couple of other boys that were nearby, taking Newt's signal.

Just Smile (TMR Fanfic Minho x Reader x Newt)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon