Chapter 14

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"I told you to pick the dark red berries, not the light red ones!" Zart exclaimed. I huffed and looked up at him, annoyed. It had been a week since I started the jobs, and this was my final tryout. The other jobs? Well... I kinda nearly set the kitchen on fire, hammered Gally's hand without meaning to, repaired the Homestead so that people could have more access to air which got Joe yelling at me, suggesting new names, and the list goes on and on. Overall, the only thing that seemed to fit for me was Slicer (natural talent of brutally killing without vomiting at the blood), Medjack (ironically natural talent of healing), and Track-hoe (thanks to Newt muttering instructions and tips for me). In other words, I was chaotic wherever I went.

"You literally told me to pick the light red ones a minute ago!" I shot back, frustrated.

"That's a different type of berry! What you're picking is raspberries right now, not strawberries!" Zart groaned in annoyance. How was I supposed to know?

"The strawberries are the ones with little seeds on the outside, and the raspberries are the ones that look like they're made up of furry small circles," Newt explained. 

Zart stomped away, grumbling about my incapability of getting ripe berries. Honestly. I shook my head, exasperated. I went on picking the right ones, thinking about the dreams I'd had. The last time I had a memory was when I was standing in front of the Griever window. I'd managed to sleep peacefully, waiting impatiently for Gally to actually build the hut for only me to use. In the meantime, after the chaotic incident with the creep, I slept in Homestead or the Deadheads. My roommate was normally Chuck. I enjoyed the boy's company, and he felt familiar. I kept having urges to protect him and treated him like he was my younger brother.

My thoughts were disturbed when a shadow crossed the ground. I looked up to see Newt, wiping the sweat off of his forehead as he leaned against the wooden structures for the plants.

"What do blackberries look like?" he asked, testing me.

"They are basically made up of round circles and they're black. The juice is pretty purple, though," I answered.

He hummed in approval. Then, he crouched down next to me, helping me pull out an especially annoying berry from the vines. He checked my basket and whistled in approval.

"You're not doing as bad as when you first came around here," he grinned.

"Oh, shut up," I rolled my eyes at his constant teasing. "Shank."

"Is our Greenie picking up our Glader language?" he asked, amused.

"Hard not to, Mama Newt," I responded, annoyed at the word "Greenie".

"Not you too," he frowned.

"What's your nickname supposed to be then, hm?" I asked, grabbing a berry off the stem.

"Hm... I don't know, it was pretty amusing when you called Minho 'Min-min' and me 'N-'"

I stuffed his mouth with the handful of blackberries in my hand, causing blackberry juice to drip down his mouth. I hissed in annoyance as he widened his eyes at the realization of what I'd done. Quickly swallowing, he sputtered.

"You nearly killed me! With berries!"

I stuck my tongue out in reply. We'd had an agreement after the night of the bonfire that we wouldn't talk about what I'd done after I'd gotten drugged on accident. Apparently, Newt needed a reminder.

"You're gonna regret it, Zia," he growled. 

I ignored him and got up, heading over to Zart with the basketful of berries I'd picked. I handed it to him, earning a look of approval mixed with slight annoyance from him. I turned my back on Zart and walked towards the Glade, presumably to the showers so I could wash the sweat and grime away. That is until I felt something smack my back.

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