Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Newt's POV

I yawned and stretched out my aching muscles. I was half-bored out of my mind when I checked the watch.

"Greenie being sent up late, today, huh?"

I looked up from my watch to look at Alby. "Weird."

Alby opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the shrieking Greenie alarm. I raised an eyebrow and walked over to the Box. Soon, the rest of the Gladers began to crowd around the Box hole, as we waited for the doors to open. Finally, the box arrived, and I threw open the doors, being shoved into the box. I threw a dirty glare at Alby as he shrugged and shooed me away, deeper into the Box.

"Hey, I know you're in here somewhere. We're not gonna hurt you, so just-" I stopped as I saw a person with a puddle of blood surrounding them. I approached a little more and saw that the shank was a girl. "I... i-it's a girl."

I approached the girl closely, taking note of the puddle of blood surrounding her head. Then, the next thing I knew, I was pinned against one of the walls of the Box, with a knife at my throat. I could feel the sting where it cut me.

I looked at her dark brown eyes, watching as she glared at me. Her eyes were large, and for some obnoxious reason, I couldn't think straight. Her long black hair framed her perfectly; it was breathtaking. She stared at me with a slightly confused expression and then got angrier (if that was possible) as she put me in some kind of a chokehold, not letting the knife go.

Great. Just bloody great.

I could feel her against my back, and my heart started pounding like crazy. After that, she just let me go and we waited for some shank to be smart enough to throw a rope, narrowly missing Gally's face. I could feel myself smirk.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?! Stop!"

Alby cried out as the Greenie ran towards the maze.

"Oh, shuck," I ran as fast as I can, limping with that stupid leg. I watched in horror as she bolted and narrowly escaped Gally's outstretched hands, straight down the gray corridor.

We'd just lost our Greenie, minutes after she came up.

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