Chapter 10

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I stood face-to-face with Alby, his eyes coldly looking into mine. We stood silent, the atmosphere around us tense until he smiled slightly. He handed me a matchbox, telling me to light it and put it on the pile of woods. I did as he said, slightly skeptical of the situation. The boys around me gasped in excitement as the woods were lit, and they began to do whatever they wanted to do, some of them grabbing drinks. After a while of awkwardness, I sat in front of the fire, basking in the warmth, watching the flames dance so freely, and yet consuming the wood so greedily. The fire gave me a sense of freedom, but also made me feel grief and terror. I couldn't determine why.

"How ya doing, Greenie?" Newt asked. He handed me a cup with liquid sloshing in it, Chuck and Minho whispering and sniggering across the field. I knew that this was going to be some sick joke, but I decided to drink it anyway. I grabbed the cup, swallowing all of the liquid. It burned my throat all the way to my stomach. Newt, Minho, and Chuck looked at me, wide-eyed. Apparently, they didn't expect me to throw down the whole thing.

I spluttered for a second and asked, "What the hell is that?"

"Honestly? I don't know. It's Gally's secret recipe," Newt grinned.

"Gally's that chap over there, in the fight ring. He's the Keeper of the Builders," he pointed towards the boy who had jumped in the cage with Newt. He had weird eyebrows but was pretty strong looking. And he was in the process of beating up a poor kid. Our eyes locked, and there was a hint of recognition in his eyes as he looked at me.

He hollered, "Hey, Greenie! You up for a round?"

I arched my eyebrows at him, the whole place falling silent as they watched me. I silently stood up, cooly walking towards him. Newt grabbed my arm, making me face him.

"Don't. It's too dangerous," Newt muttered.

I gave him my most reassuring smile and slipped out of his grip, entering the ring the boys had made.

"Try to last in the ring for five seconds," Gally smirked.

I didn't answer, getting into a fighting stance. He did the same, and we circled around each other. I didn't even feel the pain as he punched me in the gut. I tripped him, and he went down, tumbling. I spared the moment to look at the boys in the circle, feeling Newt's eyes on me, and making eye contact with him. He looked worried, and he was frowning, tight-lipped. I shook my head a little as he tried to interfere.

Let me fight my fight.

He sighed and watched silently. While I was distracted by him, Gally had got up and tackled me to the ground, pinning me, making me unable to move. He tried to push me out of the ring, but I used my feet, digging into the ground, trying to resist. He shoved his face near mine, angry.

"I know who you are, Greenie, and you don't belong here," he muttered quietly so that only I would hear.

"Thank goodness I don't belong here," I rolled my eyes, using his momentum to flip him over my head, causing him to be thrown on the ground above me, outside the ring. A shocked silence rang throughout the Glade, every boy looking at me with wide eyes and mouth agape. I looked around and let my voice ring through the air.

"Zia. My name is Zia, not Greenie," I proclaimed. I made eye contact with Minho and Newt, the latter with his mouth hanging open, and Minho grinning crazily. I smiled back at Minho as a cheer ran through the crowd.

I helped Gally up, walking away towards the fallen tree trunk in front of the bonfire. I was disturbed from my hazy thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. 

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