Chapter 6

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It's another dream.

I'm about 5 years old and Newt and Minho are standing next to me. We're standing by a riverbank in the woods, and there are two other boys, one of them tentatively walking towards the river. We're all about the same age, and I recognize the boy slipping into the roaring water as the boy from my first memory. He slips and falls completely into the rushing water, being swept away by the current.

"STEPHEN!" I scream as the boy tries to stay afloat. I feel movement beside me and I see Minho, pale, rushing forward. Before I can hold him back, he's in the water, trying to get the other boy out. Scrambling frantically, I grab a rope, reaching for them both.

"Zia, no!" Newt screams. I dodge his outstretched hand and dive in, holding onto the rope desperately.

"Watch out!" I hear the other boy scream and look up, successfully reaching the two drowning boys. I freeze in horror as a tree trunk that had been lodged between two loose rocks tumble towards us.


Another dream.

I'm around 7. I'm in a room, dimly lit and gray, and there's the boy called Stephen, Newt, and the boy from my previous dream. There's no sign of Minho, and the boys that look at me are crazed. We sit, huddled in a corner, trying to keep warm. Suddenly, the door opens, and Minho is thrown in. His clothes are slightly tattered, and he has bloodshot eyes, full of grief and hopelessness. His lip is busted like he was hit by something.

"Minho..." I whisper. He looks up from his corner and gives me a heartbroken look. The rest of the boys shuffle uncomfortably. Suddenly, Newt sobs and breaks down.

"They're gonna break us all! They're gonna kill us all!" Newt screams.

"They already broke us," Stephen whispered softly. "They're already killing us."

An eerie silence falls on us all. I feel rage and grief surrounding my heart, but push it down.

"They won't be able to break me," I growl. The boys look up at me, their faces blank. "We'll be fine. I won't scream even a bit; I'm tough. I promise." I smile at them, as they slowly gather themselves together again.

The door creaks open, revealing a guard holding a gun that was aimed at me. "Miss Zia, it's your turn."

The boy who'd kept silent gets up, trying to hold me back. "Not my sister, please! No!"

The guard ignores him, pulling me with more force now. I look back at the boy, smiling softly. "I'll be fine, Cal. I promise. I'll be back."

The last thing I see as the door closes shut is the tears glistening on Cal's face.

I gasp, sitting up on the bed. I'm back, in reality, my head swimming with the dream. I feel crowded in the room, and I feel like my lungs are getting squeezed, all of the air getting sucked out. I looked around, and seeing that nobody was near me, I got out of the bed, storming down the stairs. I dashed past a confused Newt, who was walking towards the building I was in. I ran towards the dense woods in the corner, slowing down as I reached the middle of the woods. Not wanting anyone to find me in my nervous state, I climbed up a tree, only stopping when I felt safe. Funny, isn't it? Like you could really be safe in this hellhole. I bit back the tears and the sobs I wanted to let out. It was almost like instinct like I'd done this a hundred times before.

How could they be so cruel? How could they?

I found myself repeating the question in my head.

"I won't break... I promise."

"They're gonna kill us all!"

"They already are killing us."

"No! Please!"

I clamped my hands over my ears, trying to get the sound of the voices out of my head.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, no, no, no," I whispered. "No, no, no, stop."


A voice rang through the woods. I heard footsteps and looked down from my safe zone. I caught a glimpse of caramel locks, blowing gently with the wisps of wind. Newt.

"Zia? I know you're here in the woods somewhere," he called out. I moved slightly, making the branch rustle. I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't notice, but of course, he did. Our eyes made contact, his chocolate brown eyes so alluring. So soothing, like he was my haven. His eyes grew smaller as he frowned.

"How in the bloody hell did you get up there?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Well, do you want to get down here? I'm not really comfortable with heights," Newt shifted his weight.

Without a single word, I climbed down, trying not to lose my balance. About two meters above the ground, however, I overestimated the strength of a branch, causing it to snap. I heard Newt gasp in surprise as I dangled precariously with one hand. I looked down, and just let go after making sure my body wouldn't hit a big branch and cause bruises or broken bones. I felt a soft thump instead of a hard landing on the ground. I heard a grunt on my left and looked, only to see that I was in Newt's arms. He'd caught me. Why?

He turned his face towards me, and I was suddenly very aware of how close we were, our noses brushing against each other. His eyes flickered to my lips, making me realize I was unconsciously biting it. I watched as something spark in his eyes. He looked back into my eyes, drowning all of my other thoughts. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights as he inched closer, closing what little gap we had between us, almost kissing now. I could see doubt and an internal conflict happening in his mind. Slowly, and steadily, we were closing the gap in between us.


I just had to leave y'all hanging and wondering if they kissed or not XD.


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