Chapter 27

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I blinked letting the blinding light greet me from the window. I felt happy and satisfied, knowing that I was back in the Glade. I felt a hand grasping mine and looked to my left. Newt was sleeping peacefully, the sunlight creeping up his face, approaching his eyes. He looked like an angel and like a 15 year old boy at the same time.

Behind him, leaning against the wall next to the window was Minho. He had little bandages and such to treat his cuts. Bruises decorated his arms and neck, but his hair was perfectly in the air. I felt a smile tug at my lips, as I tried to hold in my laughter. I looked towards my right side and nearly jumped. Thomas was sitting in a chair pulled up next to me, his body limp so it looked like he was dead. The only thing that betrayed it was his little snores. He was so familiar, almost like I'd known him for my entire life. I sat up a little, careful as to not wake Newt, who had his head on top of his left arm on the bed, while his right hand was covering mine.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and my right waist, reminding me of hunger and pain. I shuffled a little, moving ever so slightly, and I slowly and gently removed my hand from under Newt's. I let out the breath I was holding and looked up, only to yelp in surprise as I saw Minho, Newt, and Thomas all sit up and look at me at the same time.

"About time," Minho rolled his eyes.

"How're you feeling? Are you okay?" Newt frowned, his hair sticking up here and there.

"Why didn't you say you were hurt? How long were you in there? How did you survive?" Thomas bombarded me with questions.

I held a hand up, stopping the arguments and questioning. The three boys looked at me.

"First of all, slim it. Second of all, I missed you shanks too. And lastly, GIMME FOOD," I demanded.

Newt chuckled while Thomas raised an eyebrow, as if to say 'really? Seriously?' and Minho rolled his eyes but kept his trap shut.

I was annoyed. Being in the maze without any interaction with anyone, knowing that you were going to die, watching your friend die, getting dehydrated, stabbed, and starved could do that to you.

Ren walked in as if on cue. She held a plate of steaming (F/S) (favorite soup). Newt got up and took it off from her, giving it to me. I felt sick by the smell, and could feel myself about to throw up. Malnutrition.

Seeing my green expression, Ren shooed the boys away and out, earning a grateful look from me. Her light blonde hair with a streak of purple shined in the sun. She took the bowl out of my hands and set it on the little table next to me.

"Are you going to ask me stuff or insult me?" I asked, wary.

"No," she answered quietly.

She took my left arm and a wet rag, wiping it down. She turned the arm around a little and exposed the back of my arm. A nasty gash was there. Merely sighing, she looked at me as if asking for permission, and I shrugged. A moment later, I was sitting on the bed with my top off except for my underwear. I averted my eyes from hers when she gasped at the sight of my scarred and injured body.

"Zia!" She exclaimed. I looked up and shrugged, acting as if it was no big deal. It really wasn't.

"I can take care of the wounds," I suggested. Ren merely glared at me, her green eyes throwing flames at me mentally.

"You're a patient, I'm the Medjack," she scolded. "Stay still, this is going to hurt."

I didn't even wince. I didn't even tense up. I just sat there, absolutely still, as she rebandaged my right waist and stitched up my arm, wrapping it in another bandage. By the time we were done, her hands were covered in my blood, several rags were lying on the floor, and I was patting a full stomach while leaning against the wall on the bed.

She left me in my room, and I felt at peace. Ren was a motherly figure. She'd take care of some of the gladers and would gently scold us. Newt, also another motherly figure, would follow us and nag us. However, Newt was the always scowling and sarcastic mother while Ren was the quiet and observant one.

The door opened, and someone limped in. Robbie. He looked at me, and stood at the entrance quietly and still.

"Hey Robbie," I smiled after a while of silence.

Robbie didn't respond. Suddenly, he hugged me tightly, crossing the room in several strides. I felt my right shoulder grow wet as he sniffled and then started sobbing. I awkwardly patted his back rhythmically, trying to soothe the boy down. After a while of crying and soothing, he sat in the chair on my left. His eyes were bloodshot and I could tell that he wasn't treating himself too well.

"You nearly died," Robbie whispered.

"Seems to be my thing," I chuckled.

"Why did you do that? Didn't it hit you that I might be hurt even more, knowing that I was cowardly and couldn't help you?" Robbie demanded.

"Robbie..." I sighed. "I couldn't do that. You were in pain, you were giving up, and I couldn't let you do that. I couldn't watch you die and stand by your sister knowing every single second I looked at her would remind me of how I basically killed you. I couldn't stand it, and I made my choice."

"Which is why you're an idiot," Robbie matched my tone. We sat there and after a while, smiled. Soon enough, he updated me on everything, Thomas being locked up in the slammer for a night, then becoming a runner, including a girl greenie being in a coma. Apparently, she had called my name.

After a few more visits from my friends, some crying, some scolding, some demanding, I was up and ready to go in three days. Of course, Newt wanted to confine me to my bed, but was met with complaints, from me specifically.

I stretched and looked at my freshly changed bandages. The wound on my right waist was already quite healed to the surprise of Jeff, Clint, and Ren. I could really use some exercise to get back in shape now.

"Hey Zi!" I heard Fry call out.

"What's up?" I grinned.

"You better hurry and grab your breakfast before it gets cold," Fry hollered. I lightly jogged towards the kitchen, grabbing a plate of pancakes. I plopped down in between Vera and Chuck. Robbie sat across from Vera, Minho sat across from me, Thomas sat across from Chuck, and Newt was with Ren in the Medhut, checking Alby and the girl in a coma. I hadn't been able to see her yet, but I'd seen Alby by accident. He didn't look so good.

"Hey Zia?" Chuck called, his mouth full and spouting bits of pancakes on Thomas.

"Swallow before you talk man, yeesh," Minho teased.

I grinned and quirked an eyebrow at Chuck, signalling for him to continue.

"Why do you have a camera?"

I froze. Camera? What camera?

"Camera?" I frowned.

"Yeah, Newt said it was called the camquarter or something," Chuck shovelled some more food.

I frowned even more, then shrugged.

"I don't know any cameras, I never knew I had one," I spoke as I wolfed down another pancake.

We all sat in silence, eating and thinking. We were disturbed when Newt ran up to us, frowning worriedly.

"Thomas, Zia. Alby's looking for you two," he announced. We all frowned at each other, before I shrugged and got up. Thomas took the cue and stumbled out of his seat. 

Just Smile (TMR Fanfic Minho x Reader x Newt)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz