Chapter 16

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*Minho's POV*

"Evenin' Minho," Robbie chirped.

I grunted in response, walking past him and towards the Map Room before I came in contact with Zia or Alby. The two of them had been pestering me, Newt, and each other ever since Zia zoned out and cracked the plate. Zia, begging me to let her be a runner and persuade Alby, Alby lecturing me about how I should take responsibility and let Zia try at least. I didn't want to let her go in the maze. Sure, she'd gone in there once before and was fast, clever, and strong, but that didn't mean she could go off into the maze anytime she wanted. I didn't want to see any of my friends in the maze, especially not her.

Ever since the day she'd first come up from the Box, ever since the day we literally ran into each other, I didn't want to see her hurt. I hated it. When I saw the blood dripping from her head as she passed out the first time, right after we barely got back to the Glade, I felt panicked. I felt like the world was swirling around. And I couldn't panic.

I hated how the walls I carefully built around myself had turned into dust when she looked up at me with her brown eyes after tripping. Just by a smirk from her, my chest blew up, and I felt something stir deep inside me.

I hated this, it felt like I was weak. And I, Minho, am everything but weak.

Okay, maybe not everything. I'm not ugly or stupid.

I huffed and looked down at the blank paper I held, trying to focus on drawing the map, but annoyingly, my thoughts kept turning to her. Her smile that lit up everything. Her breath tickling my ear, sending shivers down my spine, as she whispered, "You're it." Her witty remarks. Her everything.

I growled in frustration and looked down at the paper which had a drawing on it. Her face smiling at me.

"Shucking hell!" I shook my head, dumbfounded and outraged.

It was at that moment when Newt walked in. I quickly crumpled the paper and threw it away. He arched an eyebrow at me, obviously noticing my strange behavior.

"You're blushing like a tomato," he notified me.

"Thanks for the status update," my voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Is Alby following you and bugging you about Zia?" Newt asked, casually leaning against the wall next to me.

"He's been doing it for the past few days now," I snorted. "I'd think that Zia would have given up, now that she's a Medjack."

"Alby's been breathing down my neck about it since yesterday. Told me to talk to you," Newt sighed.

"I can't believe this, this all a load of klunk," I scowled. Newt absently rubbed his bottom lip, nodding.

"She's been sulking around these days, won't even look at me," he frowned, like he was worried. Why would he worry about that? He can't... I shook my head, dismissing the thought.

"I've been avoiding her and Alby for a while now, " I muttered, pulling out another blank sheet of paper and quickly drawing the map of Section 2 and placing it in the chest. Newt and I walked out slowly, talking about Alby storming around. We headed towards the Food Shack, with me being determined to stop running away and avoiding her now. It was safe now, she was a Medjack. She wouldn't be hurt or in danger.

"No way!" I heard Robbie snort with laughter near the back of the food shack, all the way across the room from our usual table.

"That's not all! I just walked into the room, and he stopped crying and acted all manly," Zia laughed with Robbie, obviously amused with this conversation between them. I felt anger towards them, especially Robbie. I felt Newt tense up next to me too, his eyes hardening.

"Aw, is Newt and Minho jealous?" Chuck chortled.

"Bloody hell?"

"Shuck no!"

Newt and I spoke at the same time, making Chuck laugh even more.

"Just ask her out if you like her so much," wise guy shrugged. "If you're too scared to have her choose, I'll help."

''Yeah, right. Slim it, Chuck," I glowered.

"OI, ZIA!" Chuck hollered, getting her attention and everyone else's.

"WHAT?" Zia hollered back, grinning at the boy.


"I swear, Chuck, I swear I will-"

"THEY, um... THEY WANTED TO ASK YOU IF YOU LIKE BEING A MEDJACK!" Chuck improvised. Or at least, he tried to. Everyone immediately shut their traps, looking at us in horror. Everyone knew by now that Zia didn't want to be a Medjack, she'd wanted to be a runner. An unspoken rule was to never mention it.

"Are you guys making fun of me?" Zia coldly and softly spoke. She slowly got up, all her laughter and teasing humor completely wiped off her face. She grabbed her plate and marched outside as Robbie did the same, but not before throwing a sorry look.

"Great job, Chuck. Seriously, great job," I smiled an exaggerated smile.

"Sorry," he apologized, timid.

"What do we do now?" Newt snapped. He groaned in frustration, scooping up another spoonful of soup. I got up, losing my appetite, and decided to go after her. I walked towards the woods silently.

"I don't understand," a feminine voice rang. "Why are they doing this?"

"They just don't want you to get hurt," Robbie explained.

"That doesn't mean they can do this to me. I'm unhappy with this job," she grumbled. "They're being slintheads."

"Why are you so desperate to be out there anyways?" Robbie asked.

"I can't sit here all day. I have to run, I have to be out there. I might go mad if I stay here for long," she sighed.

I knew exactly what she was talking about. It was the reason why I was a runner in the first place. I headed back towards Homestead and into my room, feeling the emotions and thoughts race inside me. As I heard her footsteps pass my door and her sighs through the thin wall, I made my decision.

She was gonna be a Runner.

Just Smile (TMR Fanfic Minho x Reader x Newt)Where stories live. Discover now