Chapter 12

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"Newt? Minho? Zia? What the shuck is going on here?" Alby walked up to us.

I chuckled and tapped Minho on the shoulder. Then I bolted towards the woods, again. At the very edge of the woods, I halted, staring pointedly at Minho.

What the hell am I doing?

Minho looked at me confused, until I ran back, tapped him on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "You're it."

I felt him grow tense as my breath tickled his ears, and I ran away some distance. Minho just stood there and watched me. I felt sad and disappointed. I made a sad and pouting face at Minho, which got him sighing. He looked at me, then Newt, then Alby, finally making his decision and tapping Newt on the shoulder.

"You're it now," Minho snorted, and he ran off towards me. We stood there together, watching Newt look confusedly at us, then Alby. His face slowly relaxed as it dawned upon him what we were doing. Then, he tapped Alby's shoulder and limped towards us. The three of us stood there, smirking at Alby who looked unimpressed.

"What the shuck do you guys think you're doing?" Alby hollered from the distance.

"You're it!" Newt hollered back.

"And you can't say you're not playing, cause it's too late!" I exclaimed.

Alby shook his head, muttering something underneath his breath. "I'm not playing, and you can't say it's too late."

"Alby's a chicken!" I yelled loudly, making the boys who were near the bonfire turn towards us four. This got Alby motivated. At least, that's what I think was happening. He looked annoyedly at us, then grinned mischievously, running towards me. I yelped and ran, Minho and Newt splitting up from me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and grumbled. I looked around the Glade, and at the boys who were watching, confused. I chose a stocky boy with auburn hair, tapped him on the shoulder, and shrieked with delight.

"You're it!"

Soon, the whole Glade erupted as boys were running here and there, each of them screaming, "You're it!"

There were at least fifty boys in the Glade, plus one girl, who was me. It was quickly decided that we would have four "it"'s and they ran around, trying to get us. I'd returned back to normal eventually, but I just couldn't stop, nor make them stop. We were overjoyed. I'd never imagined Alby laughing as he did right now, nor could I have ever imagined Minho and Gally, who had made it very clear from the beginning that they hated each other's guts, working together as they tried to corner two unfortunate boys. Heck, they were laughing and running together while high-fiving each other. I grinned. The start of this might have been bad, but thanks to that, people were finally happy.

"Alright, boys! Time for bed! Light's out," Alby panted. He looked at some of the boys and wrinkled his nose. "Some of you shanks get in the shower right now. You smell like a pile of klunk."

The boys roared with laughter and walked off, some to the showers, others patiently waiting for the showers, and the others were just finding their beds. I felt a hand on my shoulder again, making me whip around and punch whoever it was in the gut. I heard an oof as my fist made contact and looked up, seeing Minho's pained expression. I gasped and looked at him with wide eyes, worried.

"Minho! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I thought you were some other creep," I gushed.

"Yep, Zia the normal and moody girl is back," Minho groaned.

Newt's laughter could be heard.

"That's exactly why I told you to go up and talk to her, not me," he grinned.

"C'mere you shank," Minho growled at Newt, who was running to the showers now. I watched as they playfully wrestled, chasing each other, when a light voice startled me.

"So which one is your boyfriend?"

I looked next to me, at Chuck, whose eyes were twinkling with mischief. I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"No one is my boyfriend, Chuck."

"And who is the no one?" Chuck inquired innocently.

"It's only been several days since I came up the cage, and only one or two days since I woke up," I pointed out. "It's impossible for me to have a boyfriend."

Chuck hummed, not believing me. He left me to go stir up some more mischief while I stood there, lost in my thoughts. Did I really like them romantically? 

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