Chapter 37: FINAL

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Men were running in, taking the gladers away outside. Thomas refuses to move away from Chuck's body, getting dragged out eventually. Another armed guard tries to do the same with me, but I just punch him in the face.

"Don't touch me," I snarl. I strut out of the complex, following the others to a helicopter. Thomas is thrown in, and I'm about to join him when one of the guards holds me back, inspecting me. He then tries to drag me to another vehicle, and I kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

Two other guards step up, grabbing each of my arms, and dragging me away from the rest of the gladers. Thomas jumps out and chases after me, punching one of them. I punch the other dude, and Tommy grabs my hand, putting me behind him in a protective manner.

"She's coming with us!" he argues. Finally, the guards nod and hold their hands up in surrender, and we clamber back onto the chopper.

I nod my head in thanks, and he merely looks out the window. Grief is written on his face as he clutches the small wooden carving in his fist. I sat between Minho and Newt, leaning my head against Newt, wanting nothing but to feel like he was my safe place, where I was finally safe from this all. Minho held my hand in his, rubbing circles to calm me. 

"I'm gonna kill those Creators," Vera announced. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

"Wicked. Is. NEVER. good," Minho growled.

"Don't kill them. Torture them," I muttered.

Everyone turned to me. I shrugged before looking out the window.

As we flew in the air, with nothing but sand beneath us, I realized with a start, who I really loved.


(you choose which one.)



I will be writing a sequel where it is Zia x Minho cause I favor Minho. If people ask for a sequel with Newt, I will write a sequel with Newt separately.

I have so many good ideas, but that'll come later on. I literally cannot choose between Minho and Newt, but I incline towards Minho.

ANYWHO, look out for the sequel: Masks of Promises next Friday! TYSM 4 ur love and support!


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