Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell

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They say that you will never know when you love will arrive, but when you don't look she or he will appear magically and he/she will shake your life.

Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell leaves war torn planet Earth in January of 2270 for a four and half year journey to take her to her new destination of Star Base 12 where she will study at Star Fleet Academy.

She leaves Planet Earth with a heavy heart that also been left devastated by the loss of her beloved fiance, Roy L. Mock that passes away from prostrate cancer in November of 2269.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell loses her father and mother as a result of radiation poisoning that claims both of their lives caused by the nuclear war that raging over planet Earth.

The nuclear war leaves most of the people sick with radiation poisoning and as a result of that some died of cancer and other's are infertile and rendering incapable of having children.

Karissa is placed with relatives that no longer can care for her as they have too many children themselves to clothe and feed, so they  find out about the United Federation relocation plan to relocate young adults to either Star Base 10 or 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis  register 15 year old Karissa to board The United Starship Republic to transport her to Star Base 12 by the time she reaches her destination she will be 19 years old in 19 in 2274.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell packs up her belongings in her suitcases. She carries three pieces of luggage with her on the United Starship to take with her on her new destination.  One suitcase is filled with her clothes, the second is filled with her family mementos and the small travel case is filled with jewelry and cosmetics.

When Karissa starts walking toward the U.S.S. Republic with the 499 other young people headed for their new destination she doesn't turn back to say good-bye and she just walks straight head towards the U.S.S. Republic and walks up the ramp that takes  her into the U. S.S.Republic.

The journey will take four and a half years to reach her new destination and she is given a comfortable quarters and three full meals and two snacks a day, the use of the recreational hall, the gardens on board the U.S.S. Republic.

Karissa spends most of her time in the garden on the U..S.S. Republic reading and listening music that she carries her  on the journey.

Occasionally, she walks to the mess hall to eat with the other travelers and crew, but most of the time she eats by herself in her quarters. 

Karissa is withdrawn, silent, and introverted and when she does speak it is just to let people how she feels about the journey to Star Base 12.

One day when she is the garden on the U..S.S.  Republic she meets a young officer,  Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley that has been picked up on Rigel Seven.  He is headed for Star Base 12 to study at Star Fleet Academy.

He noticed Karissa sitting in the garden and asks if he may join her.

"I am Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley." Lt Kevin Riley introduces himself. "I am headed for  Star Fleet Academy ." 

Karissa looks up from her book that she is reading and replies, " I am Karissa. I am headed for Star Base 12 to study at Star Fleet Academy. Do you come from Planet Earth?"

"No I come from Rigel Seven from attending my father and mother's funeral.  They were both murdered by Kudos the governor of Rigel Seven as a means of population control because he couldn't feed all the people. He took people's lives into his own hands." Lt.Kevin tells Karissa.

"I lost my parents due to radiation poisoning on Planet Earth. My relatives could no longer take care of me as they thought that their own children were more important than me." Karissa explains.

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