The Arrival of Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell

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It is five years later on June 1, 2274 when the U.S.S. Republic orbits around   Star Base 12 after a long journey from Planet Earth with the remaining 200 passengers  that are settling on Star Base 12 from War Torn Earth.

Two of the shuttle crafts transporting the other 200 passengers transport them down to Star Base 12 to start their new life and one of the passengers is 19 year old Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and with her is Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley returning back from Rigel Seven.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley helps Cadet Karissa Lowell to step out of the shuttle-craft with her luggage and he asks her, "Where now to Karissa?"

"I have to find out where Madame's Boarding House is Kevin Riley." Karissa answers.

"Madame's Boarding House is on the outskirt of Norfolk Territory and Bedford Territory Karissa. It is quite a long walk." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley explains.

Lt.Kevin Thomas Riley notices the passing carriage of Lord Richard William Carey , Duke of Bedford Territory and he summons the carriage to stop and he bows, "Excuse me Lord Carey, would you mind giving Karissa a ride to Madame's Boarding House. We just arrived on Star  Base 12."  Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley asks.

Lord Richard William Carey is the Duke of Bedford Territory on Star Base 12 and he is handsome, dashing, and gallant and he asks his driver to stop of his carriage and he smiles, "Welcome Back Lt. Riley. I was sorry to hear about your family on Rigel Seven."  Lord Richard Carey tells him.

"Thank you Lord Carey. I am sure that Star Fleet will apprehend the butcher and his daughter that murdered my family." Lt. Kevin Riley answers.

"Lord Carey. This is  Cadet Karissa Lowell. She will be living out at Madame's Boarding House. Could you please see her safely to her destiny." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley asks.

"It would be a pleasure Kevin. I will be glad to see Mademoiselle Karissa to Madame's Boarding House." Lord Richard Carey tells him.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley helps Karissa to get into the carriage, and he places her luggage next to her and says, " I am sure we will see each other again soon Karissa. You can trust Lord Carey to see you get safely to Madame's Boarding House." 

"Thank you Kevin Riley. I will be fine and I am sure we will see each other around Star Fleet Academy." Karissa answers and Kevin watches the carriage pull away with Lord Richard Carey and Karissa riding away.

Lord Richard William Carey is the grandson of Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard  and she is Lord Charles Andrew Howard's great Aunt through his father, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR that married Lord George Carey.

"I am Lord Richard William Carey, the Duke of Bedford Territory Mademoiselle."  Lord Richard Carey explains, 'Madame's Boarding House boards between Norfolk Territory and Bedford Territory but Madame usually contacts me for any help." 

"Madame Valois is a fine woman and she runs a fine boarding house for young women. I knew Monsieur Valois before he passed away. He left his wife well off and she turned their country manor into a boarding House for young women." Lord Richard Carey tells Karissa.

"I am sure Lt. Kevin Riley told you something about Star Base 12 and who lives on Star Base 12." Lord Richard asks.

"Indeed Sir. Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley told me all about Star Base 12 on my journey to Star Base 12. He told me most of the inhabitants are descendants of aristocrats." Karissa answers.

"For the most part Mademoiselle that is true, but then again there are just average every day people living their lives here on Star Base 12." Lord Richard explains.

"Beg your pardon Sir.  I am not an aristocrat and I have no desire to become one." Karissa answers.

"Mademoiselle. I am afraid that may not be possible. You are most likely to meet a number of young men that are born in aristocrats. " Lord Richard laughs.

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