The Rivals

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard didn't like competition with his two other cousins, Lord Thomas William Howard and Lord Richard William Carey and they all vied for Lady Karissa's attention and she didn't notice Lord Thomas Frederick William but she did notice Lord Richard William Carey, the grandson of Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord Robert Carey.

Lord Richard William Carey was tall, handsome, bold, and rugged with an outdoorsy look. He carried himself very well, but Lady Karissa only saw him that once at her wedding when he was asked to escort her aisle.

Lord Andrew Charles noticed his second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey and warned him to stay away.

Lord Richard William Carey has a mind of his own and once day he notices her out in the garden at Beltane Manor and he walks into the garden at Beltane Manor as he is Duke of Bedford Territory where Beltane Manor is situated but he calls out " May I come into the garden."

Lady Karissa looks up and replies, " Of course you may come into the garden Lord Richard William Carey."

"I hope you are not intruding Lady Karissa." Lord Richard William Carey asks her.

"No of course not. I always take my children out into the garden. The one reason why Lord Andrew Charles brought me this manor was to keep the children safe and to keep them away from their ancestral ghosts that will hinder them." Lady Karissa explains.

"I don't want my children to be around their ancestral ghosts." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Lady Karissa. The children are Howard's and they are great-great-great-grandchildren of Lord Frederick William Howard." Lord Richard William tells Lady Karissa.

Lady Karissa tells Lord Richard William Carey " I am not a Howard and thank the Goddess I wasn't born one." 

Lord Richard William Carey started to laugh and he says, " My grandmother was Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and she was the only daughter in a household of brothers. She was allowed to follow her heart whereas as grand-Uncles weren't." 

"Grandmother told me that her eldest brother married for love, and he risked his inheritance and so did Lord Andrew Charles Howard when he married the daughter of the Duchess of Northumberland Territory."  Lord Richard William Carey tells Lady Karissa.

"Lord Andrew Charles Howard their grandnephew did the same." Lady Karissa tells Lord Richard William " I am sure that he may have some regrets now." 

Lord Richard Carey starts to laugh, " Why do you say that Lady Karissa?"

"He never expected to meet a woman like me." Lady Karissa tells Lord Richard William Carey.

"I don't take his crap and I never will." Lady Karissa tells Lord Richard William Carey.

"You see those little girls I will teach them same not to take any crap for any man." Lady Karissa explains, " Times have changed for Star Base 12 and the territories where the older daughter will inherit the title and property on Star Base 12. No younger son will ever be able to replace his older sister by virtue of his sex." 

"I was the one that established absolute primogeniture on Star Base 12 and it will spare to Star Base 10 and other Star Bases that have aristocrats." Lady Karissa explains, " We don't need another Hitler's Master Plan ever to surface on Odin's world." 

"I sat there told Lord Alexander Charles Stuart that Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg was too good for the likes of his childish little boy tactics." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg desires a man not a little boy that just thinks about his conquests and his own sexual needs." Lady Karissa explains.

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