Chapter 15: Death's Door

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Once again, not my artwork above, I just used a Picrew to give some form or representation.  I have listed the Picrew on CHP 13!

I had to rewrite this SO MANY TIMES because my documents became corrupted >:(

Chapter is of lower quality due to rewriting and personal life issues



Katie huddled herself in a corner of the Green Lion's cargo, dirty, broken. She had been like this for almost 4 days, she never spoke to anyone and just She looked up to the person laying across from her, nearly dead and fading by the hour. She had found a datapad recently about Mathias' personal entries and read through them before stopping mid-way into an entry and breaking down. She shakilly stood up and grabbed a small wash cloth, doused it in water and sat at Mathias' side. She gently rubbed the cloth on his blood stained hair and face. She looked down with her tear dried eyes and gently grabbed and held his hand.

"Stay with me a little longer, okay..?" She buried her face into his chest, "please...".

A noise aroused her from Mathias' side, it came from the cockpit of the Green Lion. Katie debated on whether to answer whoever was calling her or not. She felt Green in her mind nudge her to it, telling her it was important. She reluctantly obliged to Green's request and entered the cockpit, the awful auroma of dirt and oils followed her in. She sat in her chair and opened the comms to whoever was calling her. No surprise, it was Lance in the Red Lion, with Shiro in the background speaking to someone she couldn't see.

"Yo, Pidge! You- GAH!? HAVE YOU EVER SHOWERED IN THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS?!" Lance shrieked, causing Shiro to glance over his side. Only then did he as well cringe at her uncleanliness.

"Fuck off, Lance, and what do you want?" She growled, getting a glare from Shiro, who then moved to be next to the Red Paladin.

"We were going to say we arrived at the planetary system Exon told us about, and that you should change to get ready," Shiro still gave her a glare that said, 'don't speak like that again'. She nodded, but rolled her eyes and ended the comms. She rushed back and quickly showered, or at least a poor equivalent of one, then dawned her Paladin Armor. It was then she felt her Lion touch down on the ground, they got to the surface that fast..? She exited her Lion to see a world very reminiscent to Earth, but only the large forest around her reminded her it was a different planet. Far in the distance, she could see a large town breaking the tree lines. She was about to rush out when Shiro called everyone to meet up. Begrudgingly, she obliged as she walked over next to Keith, her face filled to the brim with anxiety.

"Alright, we need a plan, and I think I have one. Pidge, I want you, Coran and Romelle to remain here on the cliff. If anyone tries to attack, Coran and Romelle, go hide in the Black Lion. The rest of us will make for that town up ahead and see if we can get some medical supplies, maybe a healer. Pidge, keep an open commlink, just in case."

"Fine, whatever," Pidge waved her hand dismissively before walking back into the Green Lion. Everyone else looked at each other with worry before moving on, with Coran and Romelle going to the Black Lion while everyone else scaled down the mountain.


A couple hours later...

The first thing Lance noticed when he and the rest of the group noticed when they entered the village was how technological the indigenous people are. The second thing they noticed was what the indigenous people were. The people were a reptilian species, with very lizard-like characteristics. Lance also noticed how several buildings appeared to be damaged from ground fire. Upon entering the town, the villagers within gazed upon them with fear, that was until they entered a city square, where one village resident was not so skeptical of their presence. The villager had a curved, silver coated blade in both of their hands. A larger rifle was on their back, close to the tail behind them. When they saw the villager with their weapons drawn, Keith, Hunk and Lance got into defensive positions, but Shiro, Krolia and Allura didn't falter in their peaceful ways.

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