𝔸𝕞 𝕀 𝔸 𝕎𝕖𝕚𝕣𝕕𝕠?

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People usually coming to this world with special mission they need to accomplish, and if their mission are success. They might end up continue living in this cruel world for a longer time. But if the story go another way around, if their mission are failed. Or it might take too long for them to get it done. Will they still living in this cruel world in peace? or there gonna be something hunting they down one day. This kind of dream have been the nightmare experiencing by six man when they were quite young. Now, seem like they are all grown up but why this nightmare still burying deeper inside their head whenever they start thinking about it. Are they all design to be special or are they design to live in this unluckily fate they don't even have a chance to choose.

Why do such these man have to carry this huge mission and save the world from disaster. Why everything need to be done with all their hands, when they are so many people out there who can doing this huge job in just the blink of an eye. Why do the fate playing a trick and choosing these six man to responsible for this problem. 'Why it have to be us?' The same thought have been coming up inside these six man heads. They usually coming with the same point of view and that all the reason why only them can stop what happening right now.

My name is Moonbin, and I'm living with my younger brother, Eunwoo. Even though our face look like we are twins but actually our personality are ways more different. To be honest, we are not coming from the same parents but we finally ending up being in the same family. My mom was passing away and that because of the car accident which Eunwoo father also having this kind of coincidence. So my dad and Eunwoo mom are decided to live together, to make me and Eunwoo not feeling that we are lacking some family issues like other people said. They are not married, they just live together to make a complete family where I and Eunwoo can rely on.

I think it better this way, no one can substitute our first love which usually make our heart beat faster for the first time. They all loving each other, so the reason they decide to make this family is to keep missing the one they always keeping in their mind. For me, this is the eternal love that are probably hard to find these days. By the way, our age is identical. We more like a friend, like a brother but I was older than him for about 2 months. I was born in October while he was born in December. I and him also have the same group of friend and we are going to meet them also again today. My friend in this group were all having the same nightmare as I and Eunwoo are having, and that the reason why we are forming this group to share some more ideas about this weird things.

Another thing we have in common is that, we are not born naturally like the others. It might due to some problems that haven't been well understood at that time. Normally, newborn usually coming to this world by their parents making love but that not always successful. I and Eunwoo have sharing some of this issue together. Our parents found some hard time in making us and that why they consulting the doctor for the advice. Doctor suggested the new technology which usually not many people can accessed to, since it was very expensive during that time. That basically how we born, seem pretty interesting to you guys right? That always make me and Eunwoo trying to behaved like a good kids in order to payback what they have been sacrifice in order to having us like today. It seem like, our life are depending on what they decided for us to be. That why I and Eunwoo probably don't ever have many chances to decide things based on our preferences. Sometime I usually think that, do we are actually a special one? or we are just... a weirdo.

When they command something, the only thing we can do are just follow their commands without any hesitation. I'm still thinking till today that, is this still be my life? Is it still be Eunwoo life? The life when we can decide on our own which way we want to go and what do we want to do, without any permission or command to go the other way instead. Because right now it seem like everything I done, I don't even have a chance to choose. When I heard some bad words, I don't even have a chance to feel anything about it. When I don't want to do something, I don't even have a chance to resist or just say something to make them understand my point. Because it might cause some problem following up if we don't follow what our parents said. So that the reason why when we are with them, we probably don't speak much. I and Eunwoo are close but there are some evidence which make him change from one person to another. I'm still never heard that story from him. Which mean, it really are his drawbacks and he doesn't want to mention or telling anyone about it.

You guys might wonder why I and Eunwoo found each other. This happen long time ago. One day, I walked along the street and found some poster along the way to help the poor children. I feel very interesting about it, so I trying to follow the map they gave and finally reach the school they are mention in the poster. I slowly walking inside the school with the atmosphere of kids screaming and playing somewhere inside the school. They seem lively, not as I expected they will be. I then walking closer to the reception area where there are many woman sitting there. I take a further step inside and asking for more information...

This is the third boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my two book name "The Best of Me" and "Not Ready To Hate You" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to interacting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your messages. Thank you so much for your time and your participation in my story. I hope you guys will enjoy. See you guys next episode. Bye!

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