𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕙𝕒 - 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕞𝕖, 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦

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"Haven't you guys wonder that you can change something based on your thinking? When you wish something will happen and it does happening for you. I don't know why my power seem not related to either one of my friend, it's a kind of another story. Their power were based on basic senses which further develop and give them their speciality but for me, it seem to be another topic to discussing on. But that not what I'm intended to tell you. Things that I want to tell is that my power are different. As different as you guys can never be imagine it before. Haven't you found someone that kept a lot of thing in their mind but just in the right of time they can't saying it out... you know because of what? I got the easy answer for you. Honor and dignity make people forget the thing they need to do. What if we trying to set this topic aside we might ending up more peacefully than now. You might wonder why I bringing this topics up, but believe me. It is a time to make thing clear. I'm trying to say something good to help people. But, if I'm saying something good to you but you just ignore my words, then... that all the best I can do for you. Just remember, whether if something else happening to you because you ignore my word. I will not done anything much... and nothing much... just breaking you apart with my own hands" Sanha said.

My power didn't kind of scary but in time when it needed, you can't underestimate me. You might confusing of what my power will be, is it that dangerous? Or is it still in a range of acceptable by everyone. I'm gonna tell you my power and how come I think it was such a very special power to me.

I was walking inside the library and meant to finding a book that can guide me for me my report. I found some book falling down and hitting my head, I don't why that action is happening since no one was there for me to suspect. So I try to picking up the book and kind of looking through it. The book was black and everything inside seem extraordinary. There are many pages said about vision power, smelling power and kind of many sense power that kind of special than it usually be. But I'm not thinking I'm will be in each kind of that power. Until I found a page where it catch my attention. Lately I have experienced such a weird condition and that when I found this page written in the book sound pretty interesting. Let's me tell you when it all get started.

I have once found myself can control someone mind. I'm not saying it out on my own, I have experiencing it so that I know. I found a couple walking along the hall of the shopping mall where they didn't doing anything represent their romance relationship to other people walking nearby. But I know they are together for sure. Their mind telling me the same thing as I though it would be, and suddenly I realized how I can reading someone mind. It might sound that my power overlapped some of my friend in knowing what they are thinking but there are some differences in some detail. I'm not just knowing what they are feeling for each other I also know how to make them speak this sentence right now. You are right, I can control someone mind, to speak whatever I want and to act whatever I command. But you might think this is a force action and I might make them become in trouble if they don't feeling okay after that action happen.

But think about it, who wouldn't to tell anybody that they are in love with one another, it mean they are stepping out of the friend zone they define when they with other unknown people. How would it be to overcome that broader and actually doing what they want in the public, without caring other people eyes of how they gonna think toward them. It such a win win condition in my opinion, if you want your love to be obvious then you should take my advice, doing it before it too late to do. I said while looking at that man, and it seems like he know what I'm going to do. So he finally opening it up for the first at the middle of the shop. "Hey, I know it has been long already since we talking and chatting to each other. I don't know why I'm acting so cowardly instead of being the stepping up first and... asking you out?" A man finally saying something that touch the girl heart.

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