𝕄𝕁 - 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕚𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕕, 𝕀 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦

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"Haven't you ever talking to yourself, I mean... trying to said something to calm yourself down... or maybe to making yourself feeling more comfortable. That voice inside your head keep reminding you on what you really want but somehow you just can't doing it right now. Or maybe only you cannot make that happen. Sometime you just want to make it go away but believe me, it good you have that voice... Don't worry, I'll be around, listening to what you want. Helping you get rid of the thing that has been hunting you down. I know how it felt when you can't talk, can't chat and can't expressed what on your mind to others. Can't let them know, that you are weak and sometime really need someone to turn to. I understand that, people usually don't show their weakness to others... and so do I. Sometime you just want to saying it out loud, the thing that you want but... sadly to tell... no one probably listening to your stories right? They might think it weird and... kind of strange most of the time but don't worry. Even though you trying to screaming from inside to make other people hear you like you want them to hear but it hard to said that sometime it doesn't working out as it should be. Just relax, it doesn't matter who you are or if you're just the cutie little animal on earth, your voice is already loud... loud enough for me to hear you... " MJ said.

You guys might feel strange hearing the ending vows like 'I hear you'. How could I can hear you? You might think that it sound unreal and hard to believe but I'm actually hearing what you are thinking... if I'm actually concentrated in you. You are right, I'm a good listener. As good as you don't have to tell but I just know exactly what you want. It might sound disconnected in some point but let's me show you how I discover my power.

Let's me take you back few months ago before everything started. I was walking along the footpath where all the groceries store were situated aside, heading to my condo as usual. But today thing seem different. I used to have some headaches sometimes when walking through a crowd of people cause I has been hearing random voice all around inside my head, and it keep throwing themselves to me and I don't know the reason why I heard everyone thought at that time. I used to thinking that it might because they are speaking quite loud or may be I probably having good ears. Later on I found that it is not what am been thinking all along. I'm suddenly bumping into a man who was holding hand with his girlfriend. Suddenly I heard a loud voice, like a screaming and yelling to me "Such a stupid kids, I'm gonna finishing you today". I totally reply to the man "What do you say?" I reply back with the anger voice that I totally agree to have that kind of emotional at that time. "What are you talking about? We didn't saying anything out. We just walking pass you. What wrong with this guys?" a man said further that he didn't speaking anything with the confirmation from the girl face. At that time I know that the voice that screaming along my head were actually the voice inside that man head.

"You didn't said but I know, you didn't coming good don't you?" I reply back meant to activated his mood to finally admit what he been thinking trash to the girl. "What are you saying? We are couple. How dare would I thinking to her like that?" A man still controlling himself by not exposing his identity right now that he are such a trash person. "What wrong with you?" A girl said further continuing from his boyfriend. "Hey, little girl. You have been wondering that thing also don't you? Does he pretending to be good or actually being the good one" I said to encourage the girl cause she seem more easy to handle. "How could you know my thought? Can you read my mind?" A girl said back which make the man also thinking the same thing. 'Damn it, he actually knowing my thoughts. How could that happen?' A man said in his mind but he seem to forgetting that I can hear what he been thinking. "Damn it, he actually knowing my thoughts. How could that happen?" I said follow the man thoughts while pause a little bit and said more "Did I miss any words you are saying few minutes ago?" I said to emphasize on what I have heard.

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