Marriage 101

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Percy on Deck

Chapter 10-Marriage 101

Monday, November 17th, 2014


The day started weirder than usual. Zack threw up all over the room all night, and Percy had had to bunk with Cody and Woody.

The three went to class and found out that Zack was too sick to come.

Woody trying to impress his crush (Addison) had challenged Percy to an arm wrestling contest. Percy had beat him, and Addison had challenged Woody. Woody had just lost the contest when Tutweiller walked in.

"Hello Class. This week in Social Studies, were going to try something different," said Miss Tutweiller.

"You sit in one of these chairs," asked London, "while we bore you to death?"

Percy grinned at London.

"Wow," said Miss. Tutweiller. "9:02 and I'm already sad." She perked up. "Now this assignment is going to be worth half your grade, but everybody will have a partner."

"I pick Cody!" Everybody, but Percy yelled at once.

"And the two of you will become a married couple." said Miss. Tutweiller.

Percy laughed at everybody's disgusted expression.

"What?" asked Cody, "Nobody wants to marry me?"

"Ah, you get used to it." said Tutweiller.

Everybody sat still for a minute before both Bailey and Cody stood up at the same time as each other. "Will you marry me? Of course I will. You've made me the happiest person in the world." They said at the same time, before hugging.

Percy turned to London. "So London," whispered Percy, "will you marry this son of the sea god?"

London giggled. "Sure, I guess."

They both looked up to see Addison running out of the room with a candy ring on her finger.

"I guess Woody proposed," said Percy.

"Okay class," said Miss. Tutweiller. "Over the next two weeks, you will learn what it's like to be married."

"What to do you know about marriage?" asked London.

"Well..." started Miss. Tutweiller.

"Have you ever been married?" asked London.

"No, but..."

"Has anyone ever proposed to you?"

"I will have you know..."

"When was the last time you were even on a date?"

"Stop it, stop it, Stop it!" yelled Miss Tutweiller, covering her ears, angrilly.

Percy snickered.

Tutweiller composed herself. "I mean, moving on. Now it's a fact that nearly half of US marriages end in divorce. The other half limp along in uncomfortable silence."

When everybody stared at her, she continued. "Well this is because, People often don't realize how hard it is to share a life with another person.

"PFFT!" said London, "My daddy's great at marriage, he's done it fourteen times."

"Okay," said Tutweiller, "Now everyone pick a card out of this bowl to determine your career."

"Astronomer, duh," said Cody.

"Ooh Hand Model." said Bailey.

"Ugh, with those badger claws?" scoffed London.

"London," warned Percy.

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