The Beauty And The Fleeced

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Percy on Deck

Chapter 5 - The Beauty and the Fleeced

Saturday, August 9, 2014


"The Miss Tipton Beauty Pageant," said Zack, proudly, "This might be my greatest idea yet! And I invented hoagie-on-a-rope."

"Yeah. The.." Woody was cut off by Percy.

"Are you sure you guys want to do this? You're such players. How many people have you guys even dated?" asked Percy.

"I don't know?" asked Zack, hesitantly.

"Three," said Woody.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" asked Zack, annoyed.

Percy shifted uncomfortably, "One."

Zack chortled. "Dude, that's even worse than Cody. Well this is going to be great. See all the girls are going to send in a photo and an application making it easy to weed out the ones not worth pursuing. Then we just cancel the whole thing, then they'll never even know we were involved."

Woody didn't look so convinced. "Come on, no girl on Earth is dumb enough to fall for that!"

Suddenly the three heard someone squealing and turned to the board where London was standing in front of it. "A beauty pageant. And I'm beauty-full."

A big crowd of girls swarmed the board. "The Miss. Tipton Beauty Pageant? Is that even a real thing?" asked one of the girls.

"Of course." said Zack fake scoffing, sputtering, "Of course it's real if it wasn't would we have a celebrity judge?"

"A celebrity? Who?" asked the girl.

"Yeah Zack, who?" asked Percy. "Well I best be going, don't blame me when this blows up in your face."

"Uh, it's a surprise." said Zack. "Nobody knows who yet. But if somebody finds out who it is, they won't come."

"Oh." said the girls. She picked up the sign-up sheet. "I don't understand question 4. What is your Ick?"

"That's IQ." said Zack. This one's a keeper. he thought to himself.

"Oh." said the girl

"This is gonna be awesome," said Zack excitedly.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


"Bailey come quick." said Cody, excitedly bursting into Bailey's room. "There's Eukaryotic Algae blooming on the port side that's bilaterally symmetric."

"I have something a little more exciting that plankton." she said, just as excitedly.

"I seriously doubt it." said Cody, half arrogantly, half bewildered. Usually Bailey loves plankton. he thought confused.

"I am entering the Miss Tipton Beauty Pageant." she squealed holding up a farm dress.

Cody nodded in understanding. "Ahhh! And to protest, you're going to undermine the entire event by wearing an ugly dress and avoiding all trappings of conventional female beauty."

Bailey looked at Cody incredulously, and Cody realized he had made a mistake. "Excuse me?"

"...because that certainly is not going to work with that super cute dress and you're effortless good looks." As Bailey continued advancing on Cody, he made a last ditch effort. "I love you."

"Look I'm just sick of London always putting me down. I figured beat her, she won't have a leg to stand on."

Cody was going to say that he thought she would find it sexist, but decided against angering his raging girlfriend.

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