Bailey's Birthday

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Percy on Deck

Chapter 13 - Bailey's Birthday

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Cody sat on Zack's bed in Percy and Zack's room talking with Percy.

"I don't know what to get Bailey," worried Cody.

"Don't worry," said Percy.

Too late for that, thought Cody.

"We can go diving," suggested Percy.

"And how is that supposed to help?" scowled Cody.

"Easy," grinned Percy, "there are a lot of pearls here that we can go diving for."

Cody raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know that?"

Percy's eyes shifted away from Cody to Zack's pile of dirty laundry on the floor. Cody noticed that Percy did that a lot whenever Cody or Bailey or even Zack asked him how he knew so much about the sea. Well he didn't look at Zack's underwear, but he always looked away, and avoided their eyes.

Percy was always pretty open with London, and they often talked as if they were sharing an inside joke. One time, he had been covering a shift for Zack at the juice bar, (He had only done it because Zack had promised to take two shifts of towel duty for Cody) and Percy had referred to London as the 'granddaughter of the doves.'

The thing that had made Cody the most suspicious, was when Zack had told the group a story about them traveling to the future. He claimed he had dreamed it, but Percy had blanched when Zack had told them the story. He had admitted that he had a cousin named Jason who had cheated on his girlfriend, Piper, with Percy's girlfriend. The whole thing had been 'freaky' as Woody had said, before complaining that he wasn't in the dream.

Then there was the whole 'Camp Half-Blood' thing, which was supposedly a summer camp for people with ADHD and Dyslexia that Percy had gotten kicked out of. Percy refused to say why.

Cody didn't know what it was, but Percy was hiding something, and Cody was determined to find out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It was 12 PM when Percy, Cody, and Josh (Their Instructor) had left with two hours of air in their tanks.

They had fifteen minutes of air left, when it happened.

"This is fun," said Cody, "I should do this more often." His voice came out muffled.

"I love swimming," said Percy, "especially in the ocean. It makes me feel alive."

"Hey Josh," said Cody. It had been then that they had noticed that Josh wasn't with them. "Um, Percy, where is Josh?"

"Di immortales," scowled Percy, "he must of ditched us."

Cody turned around quickly, "Wait, what!"

Suddenly a popping sound could be heard, and then water started coming from Cody's breathing valve. He gasped as black spots danced in front of eyes, then everything went black.


"Zack," said Bailey, shaking him.

Zack opened his eyes, yawned, then stretched his arms. "What?" he asked, getting off of his bed.

"Has Cody or Percy stopped by?" she asked frantically.

"Uh, no?" asked Zack. He looked up at his digital clock on the wall. 3 PM.

"This isn't good." frowned Bailey. "They should have been here an hour ago." She looked off into space, then she turned back to Zack, "Get dressed."

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