110 years

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I am so sorry for what your about to read.

Years later...

They had finally said what they where going to do. Die in each other's arms at 110. Of course they weren't actually 110, but 92 was close enough for her. Meredith had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's 5 years ago and stage 2 lungs cancer. Derek was fine for the most part other than going Grey.

"Good morning dear" Derek watched as the love of his life started to wake up. They still had the dream house. They still had the tumor on the wall and the ferry boat scrub caps. All their kids Bailey, Zola, and Ellis had grown up and become surgeons. Ellis was a OBGYN, Zola was a neurosurgeon and Bailey was a trauma surgeon. Both of their parents where very proud of them.

"Who are you?" Meredith questioned the same thing she said every morning. Derek could already feel the tears welling in his eyes as he slowly stood up and sat down on the bed with her.

"I'm your husband. See" he showed her a portrait of them holding their newborn baby boy when they where younger. She took a minute to think before slowly nodding her head. "These are our children" he showed her photos of them when they where older. He knew she was walking on thin ice and her time was almost up, so he made every minute count.

The morning went by fairly regular. Derek got Meredith up and showered. Meredith was in a wheelchair and Dereks walking was getting slower every day. But he always made sure to take Meredith with him everywhere. "Would you like to go outside?" He pointed to the back deck that had beautiful fall leaves falling down and a sunrise.

"That would be nice" she agreed. He wheeled her to the deck and set a small blanket over her lap to keep her warm. He walked back inside and started making some soup for her, making sure to keep an eye on her at the same time. Taking care of Meredith could be a lot of work sometimes, but he loved her so much that it was worth it. He finished the soup and put an ice cube in it to cool it down for her before taking it outside.

"Here you go my love" he gave her a tray with it and she started slowly eating.

Meredith had only been lucid twice in the past five years. The first time lasted for about 3 hours, and the second, only for about 45 minutes. But it was better than nothing.

"Derek?" She set her spoon down. Derek looked at her confused, because she hasn't called his name in months, since the last time she was lucid. "Mer?" He stood up and cupped the sides of her cheeks.

"Do I have Alzheimer's?" This made Derek want to almost cry. This was the first question she always asked. "Ya... but I still love you" his eyes started watering. Her tiny figure had gotten smaller over the years because she would sometimes put up a fight about eating.  

"You promise?" She started to cry a little. Derek smiled and sat back down. "I promise." They watched the view for a while and Derek gave Meredith her medication for her lungs before he took her back to the bedroom and laid her in bed for a nap. She would sometimes get uncomfortable so he  would make sure her blanket was nice and warm, and her water was beside her, along with her medication.

"Let's brush your hair love" she nodded and sat up. He ran her comb through her grey hair that was still beautiful and put it in a low ponytail. She laid back down and Derek covered her with the covers, kissing her head and staying with her until she fell asleep.

/2 hours later/
It was just about time for Meredith to wake up so Derek walked into their room and walked to the window, opening the blinds to let the sun in.

"Rise and shine beautiful" he sat by her side as she started to wake up. He smiled and ran his hand along her cheek, before she got a worried look on her face. Derek feared that she may not be lucid anymore. But he was wrong...

"Meredith!" He yelled when she started coughing up blood onto the covers. He quickly grabbed a tray and held her up. Tears went down his cheeks as the worst thoughts came to his head. He couldn't waste any time, so as soon as she was finished he called 911.

Minutes later they showed up and brought her onto the ambulance with him. "Hey hey, your going to be ok" he rubbed the top of her head and held her hand as she woke up.

"I'm scared" she cried as they arrived at the hospital. "I know..." they got her out and put her into trauma room 2. Derek had to stay back and wait for an update, which was agonizing because they where taking forever.

"Sir?" A doctor called from the doors. He slowly got up and walked over to the younger man. "Your wife... her body couldn't undergo the surgery and she doesn't have much time. 2 hours at the most. I'm so sorry, but she's asking for you" Derek couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew that her time was near, but he never thought it would come so soon. This was really it. The time to say goodbye and remember all the moments they shared together, and all the laughter, tears, fights, and happy memories they had together where about to end. Her tiny body would no longer lay in their bed. Her hair would no longer glow in the sun. He would no longer have her in his arms. This was it.

"Derek..." Meredith woke up groggily. Derek stood up from his chair and smiled at her. "Hey..." he tried not to cry as she started to realize what was happening.

"It's time isn't it?" Her eyes became puffy at the thought of leaving him. "Almost... we have some time" Derek noticed as the nurses outside watched with tears in their eyes, looking at the couple who lasted forever. They stayed in a quiet piece for a while as Derek spooned her tiny figure in the small hospital bed.

"D-Derek..." her breathing dropped to shallow and pitched at the end. This signaled him that she had about 1 hour if lucky. There was no medicine for her pain at this point, and the only thing he could do was comfort her until she left.

"It... hurts" he realized how much pain he was in, so it lead him to do this. He very carefully picked up her tiny body in his arms and cradled her like a baby as he sat down in a rocking chair provided in the corner of the room with sunlight. "Shhh, it's ok. I'm right here" he rocked her back and forth as he tried to hold her tears until after she was gone.

He had never heard her breathing so low as she closed her eyes and used the rest of her strength the curl into his chest. "It's ok... you go. I'll be ok. Just promise you'll wait for me. I'll see you soon beautiful." Small tears trickled out of her closed eyes and ran down her cheeks.

"I- I love you Derek... take care... of my baby's. I- promise I'll wait for you... forever, and ever" the monitor started going down as he couldn't hold the tears back anymore. She signaled flatline and he shut the noise off, just wanting to stay with her for a bit longer. "To love each other, e-even when we hate... each other. No running. And if you get Alzheimer's and forget me. I'll remind you who I am, everyday. This is forever. Sleep well darling, until I see you again." His tears fell on her pale cheeks until a nurse came in.

"Sir? I'm sorry but we need to take her..." Derek looked up and then back to her lifeless figure.

"I love you. Wait for me. I'll see you soon" he pulled her up and gently kissed her lips before a team came in a took her. He sat in the chair for longer before having nothing else to do other than drive home. The house that they called theirs no longer felt like home. As he looked through memories and pictures of them together, he smiled and decided to go to bed for the night. This was the first night without her, and probably more to come...

"Derek!" He heard a faint yell while sitting on the white sanded beach that had the sound of waves crashing against the rocks

"Meredith?" He couldn't help but notice how much younger both of them had gotten. Was he dead? Did he die in his sleep? Either way, he was with the love of his life now and that's all that mattered.

"Meredith!" He realized it really was her and started running. They met half way and she jumped in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and tearing up. "I told you I'd wait" they spun around until he set her down and looked into her gorgeous green irises. "Forever and ever." He cupped her cheeks and leaned in to press their lips together.

Their tongues fought before they pulled away to catch their breath with a big smile on their faces.

"You and I. Forever." She smiled and took his hand as they started walking down the beach into the sun.

Ya... sorry, about that.💀✌🏻

I'll make it up to you fans with a nice SpïCÿ chapter😙❤️

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