Anniversary party

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Today was Meredith and Dereks 15 year anniversary. They where trying something new this year and throwing a little bit of a get together with some family and friends.

Zola- 7
Bailey- 4
Ellis- 1

Meredith woke up early in the morning as the sun was starting to rise. She turned over and saw Derek still sleeping peacefully. She smiled and rolled over all the way, rubbing her fingers through his curly hair that was gaining a bit more Grey everyday.

She leaned forward a bit and pressed her lips to his, softly moving her tongue across his warm lips. He immediately responded by opened his mouth and bringing his hands through her hair.

"Oh so you where awake" she smirked and pulled away. "Yea but I faked so you would keep doing that with my hair" he smiled and moved his head under the blankets and onto her lap. She giggled and put her hands to the side for a minute, before he popped his head out of the blankets.

"Can you do that again?" He asked with his chin on her stomach and doing his sparkly eye thing. "Oh my goodness... your such a child" he laughed and started playing with his hair. He disappeared under the sheets as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Ok let's get up!" She stood up after ten minutes of treating him like a prince. "Noooo! You where so comfy" he groaned and laid on the warm spot that used to be where she was.

"Come on honey. We have to make this bed. Get up my baby's, clean the house up a bit and get ready for our guests that are coming over." She started crawling onto the bed and finished her sentence when she was inches away from him.

"Mm." He groaned and just pulled her in, giving her a big kiss on the lips. "Ewww coodies!" She backed away and stuck her tongue out. He looked at her in shock and then smiled.

"Come here!" He got out put chased her around the room. She reached into his laundry pile and threw a pair of boxers at him. "Get dressed naked man" she laughed and started making the bed.


Meredith walked into Ellie's room and saw her jumping up in her crib with a smile. "Hi my sweet girl!" She cooed in a high pitch voice and picked up the baby. "Are you hungry?" She asked and started walking her to the kitchen.

She walked down and saw Derek already had the other two up. She brought Ellie up to her chair and got out some banana baby food and some little blueberries for her. She started spooning the banana food into her mouth and Ellie picked up the blueberries by herself.

"Good morning zo... good morning bails" she gave them kisses on their heads. Derek handed them some yogurt with strawberries. Meredith went to the living room and started picking up some of the toys and folding blankets and stuff.


"Hey, I'm don't cleaning the bathrooms, kids are at Sofia's with Arizona and the other kids. And my mom and sisters should be up soon. As for the other guests" Derek smiled and walked up to Meredith who was making some steamed vegetables for dinner.

"Ok" she smiled and gave him some kisses while adding some maple syrup to her sweet steamed baby carrots. "Such a tease" he laughed and started walking away. ""I'm going to take a shower. Care to... join?" He asked, trying to get her to cave.

"Nope. Have fun" she smirked and turned away from him. "Darn. Showers always get you" he walked into the hair bedroom and started showering.

Meredith finished and kept the steamed veggies on the stove to keep warm as she walked into her bedroom to get changed.

She walked in and saw him butt naked laying on the bed fully wet and on his phone. "Derek shepherd get a towel on" she laughed and threw one at him.

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