Im leaving

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So I got this one requested privately. Derek is a duck and Meredith threatens to leave him until he realizes and does everything to get her back.

Meredith woke up and saw Derek was gone. She furrowed her eyebrows and thought he may have just had a early surgery. She got up and got ready, giving the kids breakfast and driving them all to the hospital.

She parked beside Dereks car and walked inside, dropping the kids off at daycare and walking to her office which was beside Dereks. She opened his door first and saw him sitting in his chair, and a woman sitting on the corner of her desk. They didn't see her at first but they where laughing with each other.

"Well I must say, you have very nice hands" the woman complimented him. He smiled and looked at them, realizing that was his hand with his ring on it. He put that hand down and put the other one up. "This one is a slight bit bigger" he smiled and showed it to her.

Meredith felt like even though she knew he wouldn't cheat, this already felt like cheating and she didn't like it.

"Uhm... Derek" she coughed to get his attention. He and the woman both looked at Meredith.

The woman smiled and got off her desk. "Hi, I don't think we've met before. I'm doctor Milania smith." She smiled and held her hand out.

Meredith shook it. "Uhh dr. Smith this is dr. Grey" Derek introduced Meredith to her. Meredith waited for him to say she was his wife but he never did.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the new neuro attending. Dr. Shepherd is going to be my teacher for a few months" she smiled. Meredith looked over at Derek who was eyeing her up with a smirk.

"N-neuro?" Meredith asked. Derek has a thing for neuro woman... she should know. She used to do neuro.

The woman nodded her head and smiled. "Ok well I should get going. It was lovely meeting you. See you at what time doctor shepherd?" She asked and they both looked at him.

"Whatever time works for you. I'm free all day for you" he smiled at her the same way he only smiled at Meredith.

Meredith felt her stomach drop. He never says that to her... ever. The woman left and as soon as the door closed he looked back down at his paper.

"I didn't see you this morning... you didn't say goodbye" she smiled and sat down on the corner of his desk again. He didn't even look up.

"Yes as you can see I'm very busy" he said. She frowned and thought of another idea. "We'll do you want to have lunch with me?" She asked, Hoping he would say yes.

"I can't. Dr. Smith already asked" he finally looked up from his paper. "I'm very busy so if you don't mind I need to work" he said sternly. She sighed and got off his desk, putting her hands in her pockets and  walking to her office.


About 2 hours had passed by and Meredith was still sitting in her office doing some paperwork. She loved being chief of general surgery but hated all the work.

She decided to take a break and take a walk, hoping that will clear her head and get her to stop thinking about Derek and that woman.

She started walking down the catwalk but quickly stopped when she saw Derek and dr. Smith talking and laughing together. She decided to go up and talk with them.

"Dr. Smith! Dr. Shepherd it's nice to see you guys again" she smiled and walked up to them. Dr. Smith smiled and nodded at Meredith, Derek just sighed  and looked at the floor.

"Dr. Grey! Don't you have a surgery?" Derek asked and looked at her. "No I don-"

"Oh I swear you told me you did. Remember?" He looked at her with his teeth clamped.

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