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If Meredith went with Derek to resign from his job.

"Ok. By Zozo. By bails, momma will see you later ok?" She kissed her kids goodbye and saw Derek waiting in the car. Amelia waved them off and Meredith got in, buckling up and looking over at Derek.

"Ready?" He asked with a smile. She nodded her head. They pulled out of the driveway and started driving, Derek turned the radio up.

"By the way... when we get home it will be around 11 already so I was thinking Amelia could just take the kids and you and I could get a hotel and just have a little date" he smiled and looked over at her.

She looked at him and smiled. "A night to ourselves... no kids" she thought about it and smiled. "Maybe we could even have some wine" she smirked. Derek slightly laughed and looked at her again.

"You in?" He asked and put his hand on her thigh. "One night all to ourselves with wine and dinner that is served to us... I'm in" she giggled.

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet. Meredith booked a hotel that was on the water where you could see the ferry boats.

"Dammit this traffic is horrible" Derek sighed and leaned back. Meredith looked over and kissed his cheek.

"Oh come on!" Derek sighed and just pulled out of the lane, driving down a back road.

"My secret passage" he laughed and they continued driving down.

Half way down the road two cars passed him. One was a Lamborghini and the other was just a van. He looked in his mirror and saw they where speeding and trying to pass him.

"Am I not going fast enough for you?" He said annoyed and watched the the Lamborghini try and pass the van. He swerved and t-boned the side of the van, flipping both cars in the air.

Both Derek and Meredith's eyes opened in shock as Derek slammed on the breaks and put his hand out and held Meredith down in the seat.

They came to a stop and cars stopped flipping. Derek sighed in relief and leaned back, looking over and making sure Meredith was ok.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He asked and looked under her shirt where the seatbelt was. "I'm fine" she sighed and leaned over to kiss him.

"Ok. Alright we need to go help them" they both pulled away and smiled.

"Ok what car do we do first?" He asked. "Well the van is a family car and could have children inside but the sports car is flipped right over so we should get the driver out of there before it catches fire."

Derek smiled and nodded his head. They both ran over to the sports car and bent down.

"Hello?! Is anybody in there?" Derek asked but saw nobody. "It's empty" he sighed and looked at Meredith.

Both of them looked around until they heard and gasp.

"H-help..." they ran to the voice and saw a girl laying down and holding her stomach. Derek picked her up and ran her over to the grass.

"C-Charlie... where's Charlie?" She asked and shivered. "Who's Charlie?" Derek asked.

"M-my boyfriend. He was d-driving" she stuttered. Meredith looked around until she saw a boy walking down the road.

She ran after him and grabbed his shoulder. "Charlie. Charlie are you ok?" Meredith turned him around and gasped when she saw a chunk was taken out of his skull.

"Ok. Come with me Charlie" she tried pulling in towards his girlfriend"

"N-no. I have class. I have to get to class" he tried walking away. "No Charlie. You don't. Your teacher called and school is cancelled" she lied and he finally let her pull him.

Derek looked over and noticed how slow they where going. He looked at the car and it had just caught fire.

"Shit." He whispered and ran over, quickly picking Meredith up and throwing Charlie over his shoulder.

A loud bang was heard behind them and he looked back and saw the car exploded.

He sighed in relief and kissed Meredith quickly, then setting Charlie down.

Derek got the other two girls who where in the van and laid them down. "Honey smoke signals" Meredith smiled at Derek and they looked at the burning cars.

"Ahh!" The girl who was with Charlie winced. They both looked over and went over to her. "Where does it hurt Cassie?" Derek asked. She winced and pointed to her stomach.

"Ok I'm going to un buckle your pants and pull them down a bit" he told her. She nodded her head and he took her belt off and un buttoned her jeans, pulling the rim down.

Derek took a look and sighed, looking at Meredith. Her whole stomach was sliced open from her belt. "Oh god. It's bad isn't it. Your looking at each other" she winced in pain.

"No no. It's just a little cut. It won't take long to heal at all" he lied and reassured her.

"I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be at school.... Studying for my exams. I'm a good kid. I get straight A's and I'm never late for school and now I'm going to miss two weeks" she started crying.

"Cassie. Hey look at me." Derek grabbed her hand. "I'm sure your a very good kid but you can't get upset now because your hurt" he warned her.

"I mean! What did I do to deserve this? I've never kissed a single boy except Charlie and I've never once had a boyfriend until I was 18! I'm a good kid" she continued crying.

"Cassie I wouldn't worry because I was doing a lot worse in my days" Derek slightly laughed. "Oh how bad could you have possibly been your a doctor" she sniffled and rolled her eyes.

"Well.... I was kinda caught up with girls at your age. And then I stopped. I finished school and got married-"

"Wait you guys are collage sweethearts?" She asked.

"No no. I wish but... I got married and that didn't go as I planned. And I came to Seattle and met the most stubborn, gorgeous woman ever" he glanced at Meredith quickly and winked at her.

"She didn't like me at the time. She ignored me. But I guess god insisted that I be with her. She finally caved in. And the rest is just history" he smiled and wrapped her stomach in plastic and taped it.

"Can I start kissing boys?" Winnie, the kid who was in the van asked. "No do not start doing that" her mother warned her.

"Your moms right. Save your love for the person you want to give it too. Like when I first kissed my wife... well of course she wasn't my wife then but... when I kissed her every other woman in my mind had vanished. It was just her... and it has been ever since" Meredith had tears in her eyes. She smiled and leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek.

"Do you have a brother?" The mom asked. Derek laughed and shook his head. "4 sisters if your into that" he laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Derek... sirens" Meredith stood up and walked onto the road. Everyone listened and started cheering. "We're gonna live!" They all smiled.

Derek stood up and walked up to Meredith, grabbing her hand and turning her around. "Good job" he smiled and kissed her. She giggled and grabbed his neck, pulling him back down.


"Dr. Shepherd and dr. Grey we can't thank you enough" the EMT shook their hands. They waved the two ambulances off and turned to each other.

"Well we're never gonna make it in time" he laughed and looked at his watch. They walked back to the car and buckled in.

Derek pulled his car out and looked over at Meredith smiling.

Ring ring.

His phone went off. He looked down and saw the light coming from the seat. Meredith reached her hand down and grabbed it. "Oh it was Amy" she didn't answer it in time.

He started pulling out again before he stopped.

"I'll let this semi go in front" he pulled back and waited for the truck to pass. He pulled out after and they turned around and started driving back to Seattle.

Merder one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora