Another Exam Job

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After partying last night, Gon and Killua found a hotel to stay in from there on out.

Next Day:
Gon and Killua meet up with Wendy at the guild hall, while everyone else is doing their own thing.
"Good morning guys." Wendy greets.

"Good morning." They reply back.

"Now that we're guild members now, how about we start going on our first job?" Gon suggested.

"That sounds great." Wendy nods.

"Same here." Killua agrees.

They then look on the job request board.

"There's sure is a lot to choose from." Gon looks, "They all look from and worth a lot of money."

"Yeah, well I want it to be interesting." Killua says with hands in pocket, "Being bored isn't my style."

"I figured you'd say that." Wendy giggles.

"Oh?" Gon sees one that sats exams on it, "How about this one?" He takes it off the board and shows them.

"The Chunin exam?" Killua reads.

"That's an odd exam name." Wendy reads as well, "What's it about?"

"I'll read it." Killua takes it from Gon, "It's an exam for ninja beginners, anyone else outside of a ninja can take it as well."

"So it's a Ninja exam!" Gon gets it, with  amazement.

"Where does that take place?" Wendy asks.

"It takes place at the hidden leaf village. " Killua keeps reading, "Reward: 9,000 jewels. Client: 3rd Ho...Kage?" He tries reading that, "Whatever his name is."

"It sounds like it's gonna be similar to the hunter exam." Wendy compares.

"But this time, It's a ninja type of exam rather than a hunter one." Gon gets it, "It looks like it'll a lot of fun."

"Nice comparison. But, I gotta say... this one looks to be more interesting." Killua says.

"Looks like we're all on the same page, wanna go for it?" Gon asks happily.

"Sure." Wendy nods.

"Yeah, fine by me." Killua does as well.

"I'm going as well." Carla walks up to them with her arms crossed.

"Carla?" Wendy is surprised.

"What do you need to come for?" Killua questions.

"Even though I trust you around her." Carla looks at Gon before back at Killua, "I definitely don't trust you."

"Why not?!" Killua exclaims.

"I find something odd with you when around her." Carla crosses her arms and suspects.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, nor do I care if you trust me." Killua blushes a little and crosses his arms, looking away, "

"Sigh, these two have some getting along to do." Gon sweat-drops.

"I agree." Wendy sweat-drops as well.

With that said, they take the job and check with makarov first before heading to the Magnolia train.

Train station:

"Hmm... " Gon thinks.

"What is it, Gon?" Wendy questions.

"I just wonder where the leaf village could be located." Gon replies.

"It is a place we never heard of." Carla says.

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