Taking a Pause

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In the Hospital:
"Where's sasuke's room?!" Naruto exclaims to the medic up front.

"Sasuke is not allowed any visitors at this time." She replied.

"What the hell?!" Naruto exclaims and doesn't get it.

"Well, what about lee?" Gon walks up.

"Gon!" Naruto spots him, "What are you doing here? And where's Killua and wendy at?"

"Oh, I let them go on ahead and I just came here to check on both lee and sasuke." Gon explains, "But I gotta say, this is my first time being in the leaf hospital."

"Oh, alright." Naruto nods.

"Lee is also not allowed to have any visitors either." The medic replies, "It's a lot to explain, very sorry."

"Oh, I see." Gon gets it.

"Oh , come on!" Naruto exclaims to the medic.

"Naruto, keep your voice down." Kakashi walks from the corner.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto is happy to see him.

"Kakashi-san!" Gon notices him.

"Hey! Hey! I have a request I'd like to ask you." Naruto runs up to him.

"What can of quest is that?" Gon wonders.

"No need to tell me, I already know exactly what you're gonna say." Kakashi replies, "So I've searched for someone who can oversee your training for the final rounds."

"Hold on! Why can't you train me, sensei?!" Naruto points up at him.

"He must have a good reason." Gon chimes in.

"I definitely do." Kakashi confirms, "I don't have time to deal with you, Naruto."

"Mmmmm..." Naruto crosses his arms and pouts before figuring it out, "Aha! You're going to train sasuke, aren't you, kakashi-sensei?!"

"Now, now, no need to complain." He calms him down.

"But, isn't sasuke still recovering at this time?" Gon asks and doesn't get it."

"He is, but after he wakes up, we'll get to it." Kakashi replies.

"No fair!" Naruto crosses his arms and pouts again.

"I actually found you an even better teacher than me." Kakashi reveals.

"Well, who is it?" Naruto asks.

Someone walks up behind, "It is I!"

Naruto turns around and dramatically recognizes, "You!" He points dramatically at Ebisu, "You closet pervert!!"

"Such Insolence." Ebisu says under his breath, adjusting his glasses.

"Uhh....huh?" Gon doesn't get it.

"A, what??? What did you call him??" Kakashi doesn't get it either, like totally.

"Are you kidding me?! Of all the guys you could have picked, you chose this guy to train me?!" Naruto exclaims, "What a joke?! He's weaker than I am?!"

"Wow, you're really not too thrilled about him, naruto." Gon said, sweat-drops.

"And why is that?" Kakashi asks, still not getting it.

"I'm serious, you guys should have seen him! One time, he saw my harem jutsu and he fell to pieces!" Naruto exclaims and reveals, recalling how that was.

"Oh no, not that event again!" Ebisu thought nervously, he calling himself nose-bleeding like crazy. He quickly covers naruto's mouth, not wanting him to continue.

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