The match everyone's been waiting for

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"What's up with the next match?!"

"Where's the Uchiha?!"

The crowd is ballistic right now, "BOO!!!"

They give Sasuke a 5 minute time limit.

"The crowd isn't gonna make it easy for him if he doesn't show up... where is he?" Gon said, wondering.

"He just better show cause if the crowd takes it easy on him, I know I sure won't!" Naruto makes it clear.

In the crowd, "Where is sasuke at? He should of been here by now..." Carla looks around, still in sakura's lap.

"Is he not gonna show?" Ino wonders.

"Come on sasuke... hurry!" Sakura hopes and worries.

Up the waiting area, "What is that guy doing? It can't take this long getting to the arena." Killua scoffs.

"If this goes on... then he'll be disqualified." Wendy worries about that.

"It'll be even worse with more complaints from the crowd." Shino adds.

In the arena, Naruto walking around anxiously while Gon, Shikamaru, and Genma waiting.

"30 seconds left." Genma checks the clock.

"This is looking bad right now..." Gon mutters.

"I'll bet he's planning some surprise entrance, well I'm not gonna be impressed." Naruto said.

Genma then announces, "30 seconds is up. Since sasuke isn't here, he is thereby-"

Suddenly, a storm of leafs appear in front of them, much to the surprise of everyone present.

Out of the leaf wind, Sasuke and Kakashi stand back-to-back, making an epic entrance.

"Ahh, sorry we're late." Kakashi said.

"Your name?" Genma asks, smirking.

"Sasuke Uchiha." He answers.

"S-Sasuke!!" Sakura thought in joy.

"So he's finally..." Carla trails.

"Made it on time!" Lee finishes, standing next to them while glancing.

With the girls smiling, "Rock Lee!" Sakura's happy to see him too.

"He made it!!" Wendy' exclaims in joy.

"Teh, at the last second too." Killua shakes his head and smirks, "He sure planned that flashy entrance very well. Him and Kakashi."

"Right? That was awesome." Wendy nods, happily.

The crowd now cheers in excitement that they now get to see Sasuke's match.

"Show off, making us wait like he was done emperor of the universe." Shikamaru thought, not impressed.

"You made it just in the nick of time." Gon states to Sasuke, "Close call."

"I thought you wouldn't show up cause sooner or later, you'd be facing me." Naruto smirks.

"Even though you said he would come?" Gon sweat-drops.

"Exactly." Shikamaru agrees.

"T-That was different!" Naruto exclaims dramatically.

"Heh, chill out, you loser." Sasuke smirks.

"You're also forgetting you still have to face me." Gon reminds and smirks, "For all we know, I might take the win and face sasuke next round."

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