Another way around

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The crowd is going wild for the next match to start, tired of waiting for it.
"What's going on?! Start the next match already!!"
"How long are you gonna make us wait, huh?!"

Hearing the crowd getting riled up.

"Is Sasuke not going to show up? His match is next." Carla said.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Ino wonders too.

"...Sasuke..." Sakura wonders, worried in thoughts.

"Sasuke really is taking awhile to get here..." Wendy said, a little worried, "Where could he be at a time like this?"

"That's exactly what I like to know, Is he not gonna show up?" Shikamaru adds as well, arm on rail.

"Strange, I just saw him a couple days ago. He trained hard to not miss this." Killua said, "And if I recall, his clan is famous."

"Yep, the Uchiha clan." Shikamaru confirms.

"So that's why everyone is mainly here for his match." Wendy understands, "Wonder when he'll show..."

"He better hurry." Killua states, hands behind head, "This is the finals for crying out loud." 

"The wise man does not court danger... the right decision." Shino said.

"Try to relax guys, sasuke will show up on time." Gon assures, confident he will, "I hope..."

"No doubt about that, he's the type not to miss." Naruto agrees, leaning on the rail, but thinks, "If you don't show up, you'll be disqualified... where the heck are you?!"

After a few minutes of the crowd's riling, Genma speaks up and announces, "Listen up, everyone! One of the participants for the current match has not arrived yet... therefore, it will be postponed and we'll move on to the next match!"

"!!" That surprises the participants.

"Phew." Naruto, Gon, and Wendy sigh in relief.

"Man, was that close." Killua sighs a little in relief too.

"This'll be a good opportunity for him to get here on time now." Gon said.

"Better not blow it this time." Naruto said.

"That was a shocker." Carla sighs, a little relieved.

"That saved Sasuke from being forfeit." Ino said, glad.

"...." Sakura still thinks at where he is.

"So if sasuke's match against Gaara is skipped... then that means I'm next!" Killua notices.

"Yeah, it sure is. Good luck out there." Gon wishes, smiling, so does wendy.

"Yep, make sure to win like we did." Naruto said.

"Don't worry, I will." Killua eyes Endess, who glances him back as well, "Though this might not be easy as it looks."

"Now that you said it, that endess guy didn't show too much during the prelims." Shikamaru said.

"True... be careful." Wendy wishes.

"...." Killua thinks for a moment, before nodding.

Genma announces, "All right... the next match Killua Zoldyck against Endess. Please step down!"

"Silver brat's match is next." Carla said.

"Wonder what this Endess guy he's going against is really made of." Ino said.

"...." Sakura is still in thought over sasuke.

"Sakura!" Carla shouts up at her, still in her lap.

"!" She snaps out of thoughts.

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