Chapter 30 - Used another person's knife to attack someone

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WT 30 - Used another person's knife to attack someone

If Wan Ting was still eating, she would have ignored their rude request. But she had finished her meal and it was not considered to be improper of them to disturb her. She shifted her position until she faced them, her body language expresses her willingness to listen to them.

She made no move to ask anything, as she does not know them, nor worried about whether they were someone above her position. In addition, she was no longer an official's daughter and does not need to care much about the nobility's circle.

However, that does not excuse her behavior either. The sole reason she acted this way was due to noticing one of the females having a faint hostility towards her, even if she was not the one that led the group.

Another woman that used another person's knife to attack someone?

The one that previously took the lead to speak to Wan Ting was implicitly agreed as their group's spokesperson. "Miss Wan, do you have a relationship with Sir Liu Bing?"

Wan Ting narrowed her eyes, her momentum was great even when she was sitting down with others looking down at her. "Please define what do you mean by 'relationship'. How can I answer you properly with your vague words?"

Being answered this way, the assumed leader was annoyed. Her originally narrow eyes become slits as she said unpleasantly. "Naturally, I meant the relationship between lovers. We want to know if you have any intention to marry Sir Liu Bing."

Wan Ting's reaction upon hearing the meaning of the clarified 'relationship' was baffled with a hint of rejection. It was that rejection that eased the animosity from the group of ladies that were sensitive to another woman's feelings when it came to the topic of love.

"Not at all," Wan Ting's tone was calm when she answered, without her initial rejection in sight. "We barely spoke to each other, much less able to claim as being friends."

"Sorry, we just want to know because Song Xiu's family intend to propose a marriage for her and Sir Liu Bing," the spokesperson apologized without a heavy heart.

"Then Miss Song and her family can do as they wish, there is no need to involve an unrelated person. May I ask what prompt you to ask me that question?" Wan Ting had hardly interacted with Sir Liu Bing so why would they think they have an ambiguous relationship?

Should they not first doubt her and Prince Heng? She felt a little disappointed.

The spokesperson hesitated. It was the woman that had originally shown hostility to her spoke up, likely to be Miss Song. "It's because of the rumors we heard."


"That's what I want to talk to you about later," Huang Qian slipped in with a worried look.

Perhaps Wan Ting's expression was truly one of confusion, which had most people in the dining hall believe that she truly does not know what happened.

"It was really outrageous!" Huang Qian could not contain her boiling emotions as she relays what she heard. "Someone is spreading words about you dressed inadequately with loose hair as you attempt to seduce the innocent scholar... and how you are desperate to get the man this time after the first failure..."

Huang Qian's tone was originally strong, but it became as weak as a mosquito when it reached the end.

"It's spread all over the place. How could you not have heard of it?" The spoke person asked incredulity. Few nodded in agreement of that question with doubt coloring their gazes.

Despite feeling strong waves in her heart, Wan Ting was still able to calmly say, "Today is the first day I left home. I have sustained heavy injuries and needed rest, which Owner Yu had kindly granted me leave from work."

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