【 -·=» 2-3 «=·- 】

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-·=»‡«=·- Riley's pov -·=»‡«=·-

   After all that, my Damie followed through with his words. He got ice cream and ice cream floats and lots of blankets. We are now cuddling as we watch Scooby Doo. When he saw the other movie called, like, Scoob, I think it was, he went on a tangent about how they didn't stay true to the nature of scooby doo. 

   To sum it up, he was upset that they ditched the style for something generic and that they basically threw away the usual basic plot of solving mysteries.

   So now we're watching Mystery Incorporated. It's pretty cool and I like how cuddly he is. 

   He has me sat on his lap, so I had turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled more into him while still watching the show. He's very big and cuddly. But at the same time, I have a weird urge to pat him. 

   I really, really wanna pat him... I whine aloud, even though it was meant to stay in my head. His head immediately snaps to look at mine.

   "What's wrong, sausage?" He asks. I wanna pat. I whine again. "Wanna pat," I declare.

   His eyes widen. "Y-You want me to...? Really? Already? Oh- right, your... thing, you want to feel my coat. Oh. Okay, sure," He says. I have no clue what he was going on about, but as long as I get to pat I'm happy.

   He moves me off his lap. "Riley. I want you to close your eyes, then you can pat," He says. I whine buut cover my eyes with my hands, closing them for good measure.

   I hear sounds like loud snapping celery for a bit. Then they stop and something cold and wet nudges my leg. I take that as my signal and look.

   There, standing right in front of me is a big, big, and fluffy, and soft white puppy. I immediately reach out and pat. It's top coat is kind of rough, but the undercoat is nice and floofy and soft. I start putting more work into the pats, getting behind the ear and the sides of his snoot.

   Then I notice the glowing amber eyes. Like my puppy! "Puppy! Is that you?! You're so fluffy! And so cute and soft! And- and pretty! And you're still really big! And your ears are so floofy and floppy!" I continue gushing on and on about my wonderful big 'ole puppy.

   He seems to really enjoy the praise and the pats, because he flops over onto his back and gives me a little yip. So cute! I lay down next to him and keep patting, this time giving him chest rubs and patting his fuzzy belly.

   So soft. I love it. I nuzzle into his neck floof and giggle. So soft. Then I feel myself being pushed away, like I was whenever Damie would take care of me. Er... When he'd take control of me, technically. But I dunno if it's Damie this time. 

   It doesn't feel like it. But whoever it is, I feel like I can trust them. So I do. And I make sure to watch, too. 

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   He wanted to see my wolf. He wanted to 'pat' Antonio. That... That's a big step in our relationship. I didn't think he'd ask to see me shifted this quickly.

   The far bigger surprise was that his own wolf made an appearance. This wasn't something as simple as an unexpected question. This was his soul showing that it had already created another being to match my little mate.

   It isn't strange for a human to get a wolf when they're mated to a werewolf. It's very common, actually. In fact, there hasn't been a single case where when the human doesn't get a wolf.

   But this early on is completely new. Most of what has happened in our relationship is completely new. The mind link before we had met, me being able to take control of his body, and now the wolf.

   All of these things were supposed to happen far after we met. After we had completed the first three steps of the mating. The meeting, the first courting, and the mark.

   It could be because Riley's already 18. Either way, I'm not taking this for granted. I'm going to celebrate my mate's wolf's arrival like nothing else. 

   Well, besides my little Riley's arrival.

   His wolf lays down next to me. Antonio stares into his wonderful electric blue eyes. He nuzzles my neck more and pushes the side of his face against ours. Scent marking. 

   He's trying to cover us with his scent.

   This is most definitely a yes from us, which is why we lick his nose. He smiles brightly, then goes back to rubbing his face on us. 

   Riley's wolf is... Very different compared to Riley. He seems to be assertive and insistent, confident and straight-forward. But still, quite sweet and empathetic. I hear a rumble from in his chest.

   Their vocal chords have already changed? 

   After a while of scent marking, he decides to take a break and cuddle into us. He lays down and puts his head on my chest. Then he shifts his right arm over my body, trapping me in.

   It's not that I wouldn't be able to escape, it's just that it's like a cat. Like how you can't move when a cat is resting on your lap or on your leg. You have to stay still and prioritize the cat's comfort over everything else in life. 

   And I'm perfectly fine with that. 

   I've never been opposed to the idea of a clingy mate. In fact, it's endearing. So sweet and needy is what I need. Someone to rely on me. Someone to take care of. And I've found the perfect little one for me.

   How could I ever complain? He's everything I could ever hope for. He's small and supple, he's sweet and caring, he's gentle and funny. What could I ever want to change? 

   Absolutely nothing.


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