【 -·=» 2-4 «=·- 】

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-·=»‡«=·- Riley's pov -·=»‡«=·-

   When I wake up, the first thing I see is Damie. He was shaking me awake. "Hey, baby. I need you to get up, I want to talk to you about some things." He says.

   I sit up and rub at my eyes. Euughhh I'm still sleepy. I yawn and stretch up off of Damie's chest. Oh. I'm on Damie's chest! Did i fall asleep on him?! WAIT! What does he want to talk about? "About what?"

   "Well, Riley. I want to talk to you about your guardians..." He says.

   "Y- you aren't gonna say that- that that they're bad again, are you?" I ask, worried. I don't want him to imply that again, it's really... its pretty unsettling. His eyebrows turn in, like he's worried about something. "Not unwarranted..?" He offers.

   At least he's honest about it! At- at least he isn't gonna lie! I can do this. I nod in response.

   "Great! Afterwards we can get you some ice cream?" He offers enthusiastically. 

   "Ice cream?!" I squeal. He nods. I squeal again. I love ice cream!

   Sometimes when I was with Mr. John he would let me have ice cream. But I would have to lick it from one of his guy friend's chest. But whenever it happened he had cut off my food so I was desperate.

   I was hungry and he offered a treat. It was a bit icky and salty, but from what I tasted it was amazing!

   "Alright, you wanna start now or have breakfast first?" He asks. After thinking for a second, i reply. "I think we can do it now. Or after? Or now? I think now. Yeah! Now is good, let's- let's do it now. Let's do it now. Yeah- yeah let's do it now! Yeah. Yeah!" 

   "Alright. So, how has school been?" He asks. Oh. I was expecting it to be a lot more than that. Okay! This is good!

   "Oh! I- it's been good! And fun! I haven't really been going for long! They said that I wasn't allowed after i turned, um, after i turned like 8. And then I started again! I'm oversharing aren't I- I'm sorry!" I blurt. I need to stop rambling.

   He chuckles. "It's okay. Don't worry about it, sweetheart. My school experience wasn't very... Modern, let's say. I went as soon as i could, and i only stopped going recently. You know, college and universities and all that. Degrees. Very expensive and kind of useless," He shares.

   I didn't realize that we'd both share. I thought it would be kinda more interrogation-ey.

   "Alright, now a bit more personal of a question, you don't have to answer- but don't worry, no consequences. Have you ever kissed anyone other than me? If you're find with sharing, who?" He asked.

   Oh! "Yeah! I think it counts! Mr. John used to make me kiss the ice cream off one of his friend's chest. It didn't taste very good," I added. I left out the part where I usually hadn't eaten in maybe a week when that happened.

   He frowned. It really seemed to dampen his mood. "Oh. Do you remember his name? Did he make you do anything else?" He asks, more attentive.

   "u- uhm. I think... I think his name.. er- It- um- I had to- uhm. Sometimes I had to cuddle him afterwards? Or more like let him crush me, he- his grip wasn't very loose. And- and then one time i was supposed to kiss his mouth because there was ice cream there, but i didn't because I was saving my first kiss for you! Mr- Mr. John wasn't happy about it, but I'm glad I did!" I end on a positive note. 

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