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🕛T w o w e e k s l a t e r🕛

-·=»‡«=·- Riley's pov -·=»‡«=·-

Bruce had shown me around the school and introduced me to his friend group. They were pretty nice, I guess. I'm having lunch with them right now, actually.

"Rye. Be honest here. You're gay, right?" asks Jade, one of Bruce's friends.

I don't like Jade much because she's really nosy and doesn't stop talking. "Rye!" Another reason I don't like her much.

I don't like the nickname. But that's just me being a dummy. A selfish, weird dummy.

"Ryyeee! Are you gay?! I've always wanted a gay best friend!" She shouts in my ear. Ow.

"What's gay?" I ask. Everyone at the table looks at me like I said I bit off Bruce's muscles. Why do I keep thinking about his muscles?

"Haha... That's.... funny." When Jade realizes that wasn't a joke her smile fell. She looked at me as if I had bitten off Bruce's muscles and asked what a muscle is.

"Rye. It's when a boy likes another boy," she explained, gesturing to me and Bruce.

"Huh? So I'm gay?" I ask. I like Bruce, not his friends much. But I liked Bruce and Mrs. Bailey. They're really nice to me, how could I not like them?

"Okay! There it is, now. Who do you like? Spill it!" She urges, waggling her eyebrows. Why is this so important?

"I like Bruce..?" I offer. At that, someone starts choking on their food, others start laughing, others just stare.

Bruce looked surprised and upset. "Uh. Riley, sorry. I don't like you like that. I already have a girlfriend." He says.

"Ok? Like me like what? I'm confused?" I word vomit.

Cheesus, I've been doing that a lot recently.

They just looked at me as if, after biting off Bruce's muscle and asking what a muscle is, I ate a snake and then a day later puked up the snake's shedding on Bruce's detached muscle.

Weird flex, but ok, brain.

Bruce was the first to speak. "Oh, you sweet summer child. How much do you not know about people?" He asks.

"I don't know. I don't know what I don't know. Why is everyone looking at me weird?" I rushed out.

He ignores me and turns back to the table. "We need to protect this innocent, naïve babe. No matter the cost. Got it?" He had taken to calling me a 'babe.' Apparently, it was a different word for a baby. But I'm not a baby.

Mirroring my upset emotions, I pouted and glared at Bruce. Everyone cooed at me.

"Ok, now you're just trying to be the cutest little bebe ever." My face lit up as I looked up at Amanda, Bruce's girlfriend and mate. She smiled and pinched my face cheeks and started cooing.

She was always so nice to me. I liked Mandy. I giggled just thinking about it.

Then I felt something weird. It didn't fit at all, but something in me felt bored. But the way this felt was different. It was weird and almost... blurry?

Woof, Woof, Bitch. | MxB fantasy [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin