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-·=»‡«=·- Riley's pov -·=»‡«=·-

    "I'll call someone up to show you around." I nod and sit on one of the chairs. "Thank you." Then she goes on the phone to call someone up.

▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫▫▫·∙∙∙∙·▫▫why tf was b here

     After 5 minutes of waiting, someone walks into the office. He looks like Bruce Wayne, just younger. No- like Bruce Wayne in high school, senior year.

     I hope his parents aren't dead.

     In case you're an uncultured swine, Batman boy had black hair, pale skin, and... gold eyes? Huh. 

     Batman doesn't have gold eyes. 

     I've never seen someone with gold eyes before. That's cool.

     Anyways, he has lots of muscly muscles and is wearing a black tank top and some camo cargo shorts. All in all, he's pretty, that I will say.

     "Hello, Naiden." Batman boy says. He had a deep, scratchy voice. It makes the back of my throat tingle. "Y-ou need to-to-t drink mor-more water. Does- doesn't your throat-t hurt?" I ask the bat boy.

     He looked... surprised? Like he was expecting me to melt and die and spontaneously combust, in that order.

     It's a weird look.

     He shifts and leans against the desk, using his arm as a stand against it, showing off his arm muscle-y muscles. He just smiles. "You're weird. I like it. My name's Bruce and-" I giggled. I heckin' did it- again! I need to stop. 

     But I couldn't. I nearly fell to the ground.

     He's even named after Bruce Wayne.

     "What's so funny, huh?" he sounded upset. Like I had just said his muscles were stupid.

     I really need to work on my comparisons.

     "Stop laughing. Now." He demanded, with an embarrassed tone and a growl at the end. 

     Look man, I'm sorry. I can't.

     I look up, lungs burning, heart racing, still laughing my bum off. He looks upset. Like I just broke his muscle.

     I need to stop thinking about his muscles. He just stared at me as I laughed, so did the pretty lady.

     After about 10 minutes, I finally shut up. I was still wheezing, but I could breathe and stand. They just stared at me as I recovered. "I-I'm sorry- you just- look like Bruce Wayne and I thought- was funny-!" I manage between giggles.

     Then bat boy himself spoke once more. " How did you do that?" He asks. I just stare at him. "D-do what?" I ask.

     He just stares at me. "I'm serious. I've never seen someone with so much air in their lungs. How did you do that?"

     "Eh. I've always had some quality Lungs™. Just something I was born with." I brag. Look, it might seem weird to brag about, but gimme my moment. I just wanna be proud of my big lungs.

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