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A/N: So as with the transition from the first book to the second, the epilogue of the last book is becoming the prologue for this one, but have no fear- new chapter being uploaded very soon :)

Getting back to normal life was difficult for April. It was strange not having to worry about a little person running around after her. It was even stranger having a non intimate relationship with Steve.

She spent a lot of time lying in bed on a morning recently, just thinking about everything, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together in her head. She hadn't yet opened up to Johnny or Steve about anything that had happened in her subconscious mind.

She was laid facing the wall when she felt a warm hand gently tug against her hip,
"A, come here."
She then turned on to her side as Johnny pulled her against his bare chest.

"I know you're finding this hard." He voiced "You know you can talk to me about it, right?"

She didn't want to talk to him about it. It would just open doors to a hundred other conversations she didn't want to have with him.

"I just... haven't been feeling well lately." she whispered.
It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the truth.
April had been having funny spells of feeling ill, but it wasn't that that was plaguing her mind every morning.

"Maybe we should take you to go see Bruce, or Reed... See if they can't give you something to help."

Rather than argue with him and have to tell him what really was wrong, she agreed, putting on her best brave face to go down and see Dr Richards.


"Hey Reed."

"April! Johnny said you weren't feeling too good?"

"Yeah." she admitted "Not too good."

"Okay, well let's take a look at you..."

April wasn't really listening to anything Reed was saying, she just let him do his thing. It wasn't until Reed came to a conclusion about her sickness that her head snapped up.

"April..." he smiled "You're pregnant."

She burst into a sudden fit of hysterical tears.

"Oh god calm down, April I was joking, you're not pregnant." Reed tried to sooth her for his horrible trick. "I'm sorry."

"Are you fucking kidding me." She went blank.

"You weren't listening to me, I had to get your attention somehow." Reed held his hands by the side of his head.

"Yeah, well not like that." April deadpanned storming out of the room.

Awakening - (Last in the trilogy of my Steve Rogers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now