Chapter 13: 10 more minutes.

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April awoke feeling more content than she had felt in a long time. Steve laid facing her, his blonde hair ruffled messily. She reached a hand and gently trailed the tips of her fingers over the contours of his face, admiring the curve of his jaw. This earned a sleepy smile from him as his eyes fluttered open. 

"Good morning." His husky tone broke the silence in the room.

"Good morning." she repeated, her hand finally leaving his face.

Steve hummed in happiness as he turned onto his back, running his hand down his face to try and wake himself quicker. He then turned his head towards April, who will still watching him with complete adoration.

"How do you feel this morning?" He questioned, his hand emerging from under the covers to run a strand of her hair through his fingers. 

"Much better thankyou" She grinned watching the brunette lock travel effortlessly between his fingertips. "I should probably deal with Johnny at some point today though..."

"Do you think he remembers last night?"

"I dont know." She sighed. Opening her mouth to continue she was suddenly cut off by the sound of Steve's cellphone message tone.

He leaned over to check it, brows furrowed as he settled back down against the mattress. "Looks like Johnny's gonna have to wait..." he announced placing the phone back on the bedside table "Fury's called us in."

"Is this about the tesseract?"

"I guess so... We have to be on a jet in an hour."

April pouted pulling a bunched up corner of the duvet closer to her chest "But I dont wanna get up".

Steve smiled and pulled her closer, resting his chin on top of her head "Im sure 10 more minutes wont hurt."

Awakening - (Last in the trilogy of my Steve Rogers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now