Chapter 12: Home.

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His lips on hers made her feel home.

And for the brief moment that Steve's lips lingered on hers, she had reached a hand up to run her fingers through his hair, whilst he had rested his palm gently on her hip.

They parted, lips still pouted longingly. April looked up at Steve through her eyelashes, seeing him flush slightly and suddenly become jittery.

He cleared his throat "Um."

"Steve..." she stopped him "Just, don't say anything okay?"

He nodded, brows furrowed in confusion.

April clasped her hands around him again, bringing his head down to her lips once more. As they continued their passionate exploration, April slowly but surely pulled Steve further and further towards the bedroom, only stopping when her back pressed against the hard oak door.

Steve pulled away, "April, I... I don't want to rush into anything..."

She let the palm of her hand trace a path from his shoulders and then down his chest "Steve, it's okay. I wasn't expecting you to... you know. It's just..." she sighed


She looked up at him with a neutral expression, a hint of tears jeering from the corner of her eyes.
"It's nice to feel wanted sometimes." she said finally.

At this, Steve hoisted her into his arms. A strong hand firmly poised on her back, keeping her pressed close against his chest. He entered the bedroom and laid the woman in his arms gently onto the bed, as he did so, he used one arm to move her loose brunette locks up and away from her back so she wouldn't lay on them.
Placing both arms beside her, Steve hovered above April, looking into her eyes with such deep intensity the world seemed to slow.

His voice was tired and husky; a broken whisper, if that.
"You will never not be wanted."

Hey guys, I'm sorry I know this is short but my internet problem has been fixed! It has been down this whole time and I was panicking about it so I thought, better to upload a shorter chapter than not upload at all... But more coming this weekend now the Internet is up and running again :)

Let's do another question of the chapter: Where do you feel most at home?

I do whenever I'm with my mamma :)

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