Chapter 15: Interuptions.

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Steve gazed at her with a slack jaw, his forehead resting against her's,
"April, I-"
He was cut off by a loud knock on the door.

April visibly sighed, her shoulders moving up and down in a frustrated motion. "That'll probably be Coulson..."

Steve nodded "He's early? Stay here, I'll tell him your almost done."

"Okay, I just need to wash my hair."

Steve stepped out of the shower, quickly wrapping a towel around his waist to go and answer the door. He opened it casually not expecting there to be any trouble on the other side.

"Where is she?"

"That's no business of yours" Steve asserted.

"Ha, fine." Came an unimpressed laugh from the opposite side of the doorway "If she won't speak to me then tell her If she wants her stuff she's got two days before I'm burning it."

Steve gestured towards the stairwell "Goodbye Johnny."

Johnny did nothing but sigh and walk away without argument. As Steve shut the door and turned around he was confronted with a dripping wet April, also wrapped in a towel.

"Where's Coulson?"

"It wasn't him." He informed "But apparently if you don't go and collect your stuff by Friday, your crazy ex is gonna burn it all."

"Of course he is." April rolled her eyes "Childish prick. What did I ever see in him?"

"I don't know... How rich is he?".

"Steve..." She giggled, stepping closer to him. She rested her hands on his damp chest, as his arms encircled her. "Not as rich as you."

"Excuse me?" Steve acted mockingly appalled.

"I'm kidding" she laughed.

Steve chuckled along with her before kissing the top of her head "Come on, let's get ready for the real Coulson."

April hummed in agreement "I'm excited for you to meet him actually... He's practically in love with you."

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